
Latest version: v6.10.0

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* Signatures are no longer sent with messages. This requires the server version to be at least 4.4.6.
* Several fixes and additions were added to the Django report view.
* ``long`` types are now handled in transform().
* Improved integration with Celery (and django-celery) for capturing errors.



* There is now a builtin view as part of the Django integration for sending events server-side
(from the client) to Sentry. The view is currently undocumented, but is available as ``{% url raven-report %}``
and will use your server side credentials. To use this view you'd simply swap out the servers configuration in
raven-js and point it to the given URL.
* A new middleware for ZeroRPC now exists.
* A new protocol for registering transports now exists.
* Corrected some behavior in the UDP transport.
* Celery signals are now connected by default within the Django integration.



* The password sanitizer will now attempt to sanitize key=value pairs within strings (such as the querystring).
* Two new santiziers were added: RemoveStackLocalsProcessor and RemovePostDataProcessor



* Stacks must now be passed as a list of tuples (frame, lineno) rather than a list of frames. This
includes calls to logging (extra={'stack': []}), as well as explicit client calls (capture(stack=[])).

This corrects some issues (mostly in tracebacks) with the wrong lineno being reported for a frame.



* Raven now tracks the state of the Sentry server. If it receives an error, it will slow down
requests to the server (by passing them into a named logger, sentry.errors), and increasingly
delay the next try with repeated failures, up to about a minute.



* gunicorn is now disabled in default logging configuration

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