
Latest version: v0.7.0.post1

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- [x] πŸ’‘PersonalQA [79]
- [x] βš›οΈ Symbols for Property/Signal names [40]
- [x] πŸ“‘ Activation visualisation in UI with SocketIO
- [x] πŸ“¦ Dockerfile w/ documentation
- [x] 🍺 Fillers are now persistently exciting [85]
- [x] πŸ‘‚ RoboyIO w/ tts/stt-exclusive listen loop
- [x] πŸ“ˆ ~~77%~~ 76% test coverage [56, ...]
- [x] βœ… Create minimal RoboyQA nodes automatically [39] [88]
- [x] 🚫 Fix for conjunctions acquiring from different causal groups [57]
- [x] πŸ‘» Fixes for zombie spikes, death_clock race conditions due to stuck conjunct causal chains [52]
- [x] 🌡 Fix for uppercase question parsing [81]
- [x] 🏭 Fix spaces for wildtalk outputs. [80]
- [x] πŸ“ Fix terminal color literals in reggol logs [68]
- [x] πŸ‘³β€β™€οΈ Akinator polished [72] - but now broken due to API changes 😞
- [x] ↕️ Compatibility w/ spacy 2.1.0! Make sure to `pip uninstall en_core_web_sm`, so that spacy can install it's 2.1 model package.


- [x] ravestate_sendpics, ravestate_stalker πŸ“·
- [x] ravestate_roboyio STT/TTS w/ pyroboy πŸŽ†
- [x] Signal payloads 🚚
- [x] Spicy active engagement w/ state cooldown & weight: Adjusted weights for roboyqa, sendpics, akinator prompt states. πŸ‹οΈ
- [x] Working CI 🎬
- [x] Multi-Context TelegramIO πŸ‘¬
- [x] ~~80%~~ ~~74%~~ 72% test coverage πŸ“ˆ
- [x] Usable docs: Vastly extended root README with module overview, examples in docstrings, READMEs for NLP, Verbaliser, Akinator, TelegramIO, and class diagram for ravestate core! πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“
- [x] Mobile World Congress Changes 🌍

- [x] Environmentally sensitive `rasta` command is deprecated, instead use `python3 -m ravestate` (`ravestate/__main__.py`)

__Follow-ups:__ This is a release candidate, because...
* https://github.com/Roboy/ravestate/issues/57 is not yet fixed
* PersonalQA is missing


__Highlights of this release:__
- [x] Added active engagement and fillers (`ravestate_idle`)! πŸ’€
- [x] Added Akinator!πŸ‘³
- [x] 70% Test coverage πŸ“ˆ
- [x] Tons of bugfixes to the gaybar 🐨
- [x] Added fix for pypi-noncompliant spacy URL dependency. 🐍
- [x] Reverted to Python 3.6 πŸ‘‡

* Renamed: `PropertyBase.fullname()` now `id()`
* Removed `registry`, added `with Module(...):` context management

__Follow-up issues:__
* Infinite age for autocompleted constraints not viable -> 52
* Need predictability for active engagement -> 51
* Output race for fillers -> 10


__Highlights of this release:__
- [x] Pretty & handy logging with `reggol` :pen:
- [x] Nested context properties :arrow_double_down:
- [x] Our scientio-based `ravestate_ontology` :book:
- [x] The fanciful `ravestate_genqa` w/ drqa :syringe:
- [x] The godly `ravestate_ros2` (`Ros2SubProperty`, `Ros2PubProperty`, `Ros2CallProperty`) :robot:
- [x] Multiparty-ready interlocutor tracking with `ravestate_interloc` (served by telegramio/conio) :man:
- [x] Greetings, good sir: `ravestate_hibye` :wave:
- [x] Answering Roboy Questions from memory w/ `ravestate_roboyqa` :birthday:
- [x] Triple extraction in NLP for question answering/NLU! :trident:
- [x] Gorgeous docs w/ `pydoc-markdown`, deployed here: https://roboy.github.io/ravestate/ :scroll:
- [x] And... a Gaybar! Constraint completion, activation auto-elimination, spike causal groups, spike wiping, and (of course) timed signal constraints! :rainbow_flag:
- [x] Integrated `generic.yml` and `roboy.yml` personalities. __Dayum!!__
- [x] Changed License from MIT to BSD-3

* Renamed: `default` argument for `PropertyBase` now `default_value`
* Renamed: `triggers` argument for `state` now `cond`


- [x] Mind-blowing typed state trigger API πŸ”₯
- [x] Wildtalk with deployed roboy_parlai 0.1.0 πŸ––
- [x] NLP with roboy recognition! 😲


Highlights of this release:
- [x] TelegramIO πŸ“«
- [x] Super modular verbalizer without hardcoded paths πŸ’‹
- [x] Neat config system that has a second personality as command line args πŸ‘¬
- [x] Unit tests abound! βœ…
- [x] ASCII art! 🌈



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