* Breaking: When a pointer type is required, e.g. in Raygui widgets that need a location to store the result data, you will now get an error rather a silent failure if you don't supply a pointer.
* Struct creation helper methods have been improved so you can use lists, ndarrays, etc as arguments. This is useful in creating a Mesh from a list of points: https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi/blob/master/examples/extra/mesh_creation.py
* Running in web browser with pygbag is now supported: https://electronstudio.github.io/raylib-python-cffi/README.html#running-in-a-web-browser
* Created a chatroom: [Discord](https://discord.gg/fKDwt85aX6) or [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/raylib-python-cffi:matrix.org)