* fixed rcontrib to work with Radiance/HEAD, radiance version string includes commit
* daylightplane - add indirect to -ab 0 sun run (daysim/5-phase style)
* lightpointkd - handle adding points with same sample rays
* sampler - add repeat function to follow an existing sampling scheme
* lightresult - added print function
* scene - remove logging from scene class
* cli.py
* new command imgmetric, extract rays from image and use same metricfuncs
* mew command pull, filter and output 2d data frames from lightresult
* add printdata option to suns, to see candidates or border
* make TStqdm progress bar class public
* include PositionIndex calculation in BaseMetricSet
* new metrics: loggcr and position weighted luminance/gcr
* skymapper: filter candidates by positive dirnorm when initialized with epw/wea
* imagetools: parallel process image metrics, also normalize peak with some
* lightresult: accept slices for findices argument
* sunsamplerpt: at second and thrid sampling levels supplement sampling with
spec_guide at 1/100 the threshold. helps with imterior spaces to find smaller
patches of sun
* positionindex: fix bug transcribed from evalglare with the positionindex below horizon