This is a bug-fix release.
Minor enhancements:
* Added a Networkx connector
* Added a graph_tool connector
* Added a `graphs` method to the Dataset object
* Batch commits for `SPARQLUpdateStore`
Bug fixes:
* Fixed bnode collision bug
* fix `util.from_n3()` parsing Literals with datatypes and Namespace support
* make `Identifier.__hash__` stable wrt. multi processes
* fix handling `URLInputSource` without content-type
* no relative import in `algebra` when run as a script
* Duplicate option in armstrong `theme.conf` removed
* `Variable.__repr__` returns a python representation string, not n3
* fixed broken example
* trig output fixes
* set PYTHONPATH to make rdfpipe tests use the right rdflib version
* fix RDF/XML problem with unqualified use of `rdf:about`
* `AuditableStore` improvements
* added asserts for `graph.set([s,p,o])` so `s` and `p` aren't `None`
* `threading.RLock` instances are context managers
* SPARQLStore does not transform Literal('') into Literal('None') anymore
* slight performance increase for graph.all_nodes()
Testing improvements:
* travis: migrate to docker container infrastructure
* test for narrow python builds (chars > 0xFFFF) (related to
* dropped testing py3.2
* Running a local fuseki server on travis and making it failsafe
* exclude `def main():` functions from test coverage analysis