1. Added support for AWS Control Tower managed Organizations (280) 2. Adding 'SourceHandler' parameter (277) 3. Add support for custom lambda function timeout (274) 4. Bugfix/issue 272 include tf template files in setup (273)
Add support for Python 3.8 (269)
1. Allow deployers to specify a --boundary-policy-arn, which gets injected into the generated AWS::IAM::Role, as PermissionsBoundary. (https://github.com/awslabs/aws-config-rdk/issues/264) 2. Add rule description into rule parameters (https://github.com/awslabs/aws-config-rdk/pull/266)
Bug fix for the below error, UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ssm_automation' referenced before assignment
1. Add skipping code bucket creation option for 'rdk init' with --skip-code-bucket-creation and using --custom-code-bucket for 'rdk deploy' with existing bucket 2. introduce beta feature for create SSM document 'rdk create/modify --automation-document ' (210) 3. update accepted_resource_types (add AWS::SNS::Topic and AWS::SQS::Queue) 4. Add sphinx-argparse to local dev requirements (243) 5. adding example cloudformation stack ci(252)
1. Feature/Export custom rule to terraform file https://github.com/awslabs/aws-config-rdk/pull/248