Includes minor changes to internal calculations (see 105 and 108). Also introduces plotting functionality, soiling analysis, and the system analysis object-oriented API.
Patch that adds author email to enable pypi deployment
This update includes automated testing and deployment to support development along with some bug fixes to the library itself, a documented environment for the example notebook, and new example results to reflect changes in the example dataset. It addresses 49, 76, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86, 92.
This incorporates changes including: - Enables users to control confidence intervals reported in degradation calculations (issue 59) - Adds python 3 support (issues 56 and 67) - Fixes bugs (issues 61 and 57) - Improvements/typo fixes to docstrings - Fixes error in check for two years of data in `degradation_year_on_year` - Improves the calculations underlying `irradiance_rescale`
This patch includes the following changes: 1. Update the notebook for improved plotting with Pandas v.0.21.0 2. Fix installation bug related to package data