- Minor changes * Largely bug fixes and code tidy-ups. * Ignore excel files that cannot be parsed into a DataFrame * Only delete empty rows after tables have been combined ---
- Major changes * Working towards functions that will also capture data from the Reserve Bank of Australia. As a first step: - Renamed a number of functions to make it clear they are working with ABS data (and not data generally). - Added functions to print_rba_catalogue() and get the rba_catalogue()
- Minor changes * Some files have been renamed. * Updates to README.md ---
- Minor changes * Largely bug fixes and code tidy-ups. Some files have been renamed. ---
- Major changes * Rewrote 'read_abs_cat.py' and created 'grab_abs_url.py' to separate the ABS table capture code from the timeseries compilation code. Also, it is now possible to capture non- timeseries data from the ABS. ---
- Minor changes * fixed a bug in monthly_to_qtly() in 'src/readabs/utilities.py' ---
- Major changes * Changes to allow for typing information
- Minor changes * Updated the README.md file. * Minor change to the unit recalibrate() utility * Updated version number in '__init__.py' ---