**New features**
- Add PostgreSQL connection pooling, with new settings
``cliquet.storage_pool_maxconn`` and ``cliquet.cache_pool_maxconn``
(*Default: 50*) (mozilla-services/cliquet112)
- Add `StatsD <https://github.com/etsy/statsd/>`_ support,
enabled with ``cliquet.statsd_url = udp://server:port`` (mozilla-services/cliquet114)
- Add `Sentry <https://sentry.readthedocs.io>`_ support,
enabled with ``cliquet.sentry_url = http://user:passserver/1`` (mozilla-services/cliquet110)
**Bug fixes**
- Fix FxA verification cache not being used (mozilla-services/cliquet103)
- Fix heartbeat database check (mozilla-services/cliquet109)
- Fix PATCH endpoint crash if request has no body (mozilla-services/cliquet115)
**Internal changes**
- Switch to `ujson <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ujson>`_ for JSON
de/serialization optimizations (mozilla-services/cliquet108)
- Use async connections for psycopg (201)
- Imrpove the documentation layout (200)