๐ Features and Enhancements
- Publish *readme-ai* CLI to PyPI under the module name [readmeai](https://pypi.org/project/readmeai/).
- Refactored the codebase to use [Click](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.1.x/), migrating from argparse.
- Update directory name from *src* to *readmeai* to match PyPI module name.
- Update [readmeai](./readmeai/) modules to use relative imports.
- Update metadata and dependency details in the [pyproject.toml](./pyproject.toml) file.
- Update [README.md](./README.md) documentation.
- Add *PyPI* package badges at the top of the README.
- Include instructions for downloading and running the *readme-ai* CLI from PyPI.
- Add helper script [update_image.sh](./scripts/update_image.sh) to push the latest image to Docker Hub.
๐ Bug Fixes
- Update Dockerfile commands
- Add line to install the *tree* command in order to generate the repository tree structure in the README.
- Update installation to use the latest *readmeai* distribution from PyPI.
๐ Removed
- Removed *setup.py* script from the project root directory.
- Poetry is used for package management via [pyproject.toml](./pyproject.toml). Thus, *setup.py* is no longer needed.