The first version of the package ever released this is a dev package and is not supposed to be used by outsiders.
Functionality added
* Virtual machine setup
* Capable of starting a virtual enviroment by calling Vmachine().Start_venv("path to generated folder")
* Folder generation
* System capable of copying Data sets of the types:
* .pkl
* .gzip
* .csv
* ML model gets copied to .pkl format
* Custom base path
* Custom model name
Code examples
The system automatically checks the operating system and executes commands accordingly.
import RealstatsModelRollout as RMR
Generation of virtual enviroment folder base usage
RMR.Vmachine().Generate_structure(model_localpath="%PATH TO MODEL TO COPY%", validation_data_localpath="%PATH TO data TO COPY%", validation_control_localpath="%PATH TO CONTROL DATA TO COPY%", base_path="%PATH TO WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE FOLDER%", model_name = "Demo")
import RealstatsModelRollout as RMR
Start of virtual enviroment base usage
RMR.Vmachine().Start_venv(self, localpath="%PATH TO ENVROMENT FOLDER%", execution_code="%NAME OF CODE FILE YOU WISH TO EXECUTE%"):