
Latest version: v0.9.3

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- Changes `validate` command to show detailed errors when the specification file is not a valid YAML file.
- Changes the validation of specification files to show improved validation warnings, which also indicate where unexpected properties are located in the file.
- Fixes `create_workflow_from_json` API function to always load and send the workflow specification to the server.
- Fixes `list` command to accept case-insensitive column names when sorting the returned workflow runs via the `--sort` option.
- Fixes `run` wrapper command for workflows that do not contain `inputs` clause in their specification.


- Adds support for Python 3.12.
- Adds `prune` command to delete all intermediate files of a given workflow. Use with care.
- Changes `open` command to inform user about the auto-closure of interactive sessions after a certain inactivity timeout.
- Changes `validate` command to display non-critical validation warnings when checking the REANA specification file.
- Fixes `list` command to correctly list workflows when sorting them by their run number or by the size of their workspace.
- Fixes `du` command help message typo.
- Fixes `validation --environments` command to correctly handle fully-qualified image names.


- Adds support for Python 3.11.
- Adds support for `.gitignore` and `.reanaignore` to specify files that should not be uploaded to REANA.
- Adds `retention-rules-list` command to list the retention rules of a workflow.
- Changes REANA specification loading and validation functionalities by porting some of the logic to `reana-commons`.
- Changes `create` and `restart` commands to always upload the REANA specification file.
- Changes `delete` command to always delete the workflow's workspace.
- Changes `delete_workflow` Python API function to always delete the workflow's workspace.
- Changes `download` command to add the possibility to write files to the standard output via `-o -` option.
- Changes `list` command to hide deleted workflows by default.
- Changes `list` command to allow displaying deleted workflows via `--all` and `--show-deleted-runs` options.
- Changes `list` and `status` commands to allow displaying the duration of workflows with the `--include-duration` option.
- Changes `mv` command to allow moving files while a workflow is running.
- Changes `upload` command to prevent uploading symlinks.
- Changes `validation --environment` command to use Docker registry v2 APIs to check that a Docker image exists in DockerHub.
- Fixes `list` command to highlight the workflow specified in `REANA_WORKON` correctly.
- Fixes `secrets-delete` command error message when deleting non existing secrets.
- Fixes `start` command to report failed workflows as errors.
- Fixes `start` and `run` commands to correctly follow the execution of the workflow until termination.
- Fixes `status` command to respect output format provided by the `--format` option.
- Fixes `upload` command to report when input directories are listed under the `files` section in the REANA specification file and vice versa.
- Fixes `validate --environment` command to detect illegal whitespace characters in Docker image names.


- Adds support for creating reana-client standalone AppImage executables.
- Adds support for Python 3.10.
- Adds workflow name validation for `create_workflow_from_json()` Python API function.
- Fixes formatting of error messages and sets appropriate exit status codes.


- Adds support for running and validating Snakemake workflows.
- Adds support for `outputs.directories` in `reana.yaml` allowing to easily download output directories.
- Adds new command `quota-show` to retrieve information about total CPU and Disk usage and quota limits.
- Adds new command `info` that retrieves general information about the cluster, such as available workspace path settings.
- Changes `validate` command to add the possibility to check the workflow against server capabilities such as desired workspace path via `--server-capabilities` option.
- Changes `list` command to add the possibility to filter by workflow status and search by workflow name via `--filter` option.
- Changes `list` command to add the possibility to filter and display all the runs of a given workflow via `-w` option.
- Changes `list` command to stop including workflow progress and workspace size by default. Please use new options `--include-progress` and `--include-workspace-size` to show this information.
- Changes `list --sessions` command to display the status of interactive sessions.
- Changes `logs` command to display also the start and finish times of individual jobs.
- Changes `ls` command to add the possibility to filter by file name, size and last-modified values via `--filter` option.
- Changes `du` command to add the possibility filter by file name and size via `--filter` option.
- Changes `delete` command to prevent hard-deletion of workflows.
- Changes Yadage workflow specification loading to be done in `reana-commons`.
- Changes CWL workflow engine to `cwltool` version `3.1.20210628163208`.
- Removes support for Python 2.7. Please use Python 3.6 or higher from now on.


- Changes workflow validation to display more granular output.
- Changes workflow parameters validation to warn about misused parameters for each step.
- Changes dependencies to unpin six so that client may be installed in more contexts.
- Fixes environment image validation not to test repetitively the same image.
- Fixes `upload_to_server()` Python API function to silently skip uploading in case of none-like inputs.

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