- Added `--workspace-dir` option to allow specifying custom workspace directory
- Added **sonamecheck** checker for detecting *SONAME* changes
- Added `--copr-project-permanent`, `--copr-project-frontpage` and `--copr-chroots` options
- Strings like "1" are no longer replaced with macros in *%prep*
- SPEC files without *Source0* tag are now handled correctly
- Fixed **copr** build tool, switched to V3 API
- Avoided parsing SPEC without properly setting `%{_sourcedir}` macro first
- Introduced `RpmHeader` class for more convenient access to package header attributes
- Modification of *Patch* tags now preserves whitespace to minimize differences in SPEC
- Moved Bash completion script from `/etc/bash_completion.d` to `/usr/share/bash-completion/completions`
- Removed non-working `--patch-only`, `--build-only` and `--comparepkgs-only` options
- Temporarily removed `--continue` option
- Removed no longer used `python3-six` build dependency
- Removed `copr` workaround in favor of making **copr** build tool unavailable in case it's not working