
Latest version: v0.9.2

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- fix some old call to log() weren't lazy, that could cause a crash in some situations by an infinite recursive call and also reduce performances
- fix in _iter_in_rendering_order method to avoid bug in edge cases (issue 107)



- fix, package weren't pushed on pypi since splitting of
into multiple files.



This release is guaranteed to have a retro-compatible public documented API
from now on until maybe 2.0.
There might be the only exception that if you directly call specific nodes
constructors with FST that this API change, but this is not documented and
simply horribly unpracticable, so I'm expecting no one to do that.

From now on the focus will be on moving to a stable 1.0 meaning: bugs fixes and
API additions for missing needed features and no more big modifications, this
will be for other releases, the workload is already big enough.

- BIG improvement on the proxy list merging algorithm, it is not perfect yet (comments aren't handled yet) but it's really a big move forward
- possible retrocompatibility breaking change: from now on the node.find("name") to shortcut ONLY works with possible nodes identifiers. For example node.i_dont_exist_as_an_identifier will raise AttributeError
- new helper method .to_python that wrap ast.literal_eval on compatible nodes
- breaking: IntNode no longer return an int on .value but a .string instead, use .to_python to have an evaluated version
- fix node.decrease_indentation (that was simply not working)
- fix code_block_node.value was broken on node with no parent
- add string representation for Path object
- now redbaron Path() class can be compared directly to baron paths
without using to_baron_path() helper.
- fix by novocaine: 'function' was used as a function type detector instead of 'def'
- add getitem() method with same api on NodeList and ProxyList
- fix: inconsistencies when inserting lines around code blocks
- inserting a blank lines inserts effectively a \n in a LineProxyList
- new helper methods: .next_recursive and .previous_recursive
- fix: doc is tested in CI now, it shouldn't break anymore
- more rendering test for python3, it shouldn't break anymore
- pygments is now an optional dependency, "pip install redbaron" won't install it, "pip install redbaron[pygments"] will
- new node.next_intuitive and node.previous_intuitive methods for situations where .next/previous doesn't behave the way the user expect it



- fix whitespace duplication when using .insert()
- DecoratorProxyList of the last method of a function wasn't handling correctly the indentation of its last endl token



- fix index handling in get_absolute_bounding_box_of_attribute method in
a LineProxyList
- pretty rendering of RedBaron repr in ipython notebook using _repr_html_, see:
- fix: RedBaron repr was crashing in bpython and in ipython notebook. The new
behavior should be way more stable and never crash.
- new helpers .names, .modules, .full_path_modules for from_import node
- add a node.index_on_parent_raw and make node.index_on_parent works has it
should be intuitively according to the proxy list api
- new helper methods: .insert_before and .insert_after
- fix: some white space bugs in the merging algorithm of line proxy
- fix: on_attribute and parent were correctly set on newly added elements to
the root node



- compatibility with baron upstream (removal of def_argument_node and
uniformisation of def_arguments structure)
- fix: long wasn't supported in redbaron (due to a bug in baron)

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