- Enhanced authentication error handling for basic and session authentication - Changed term "collection" in the report to say "array" - Added method for running the tool via a GUI - Fixed the Action object validation to allow for the "title" property - Added support for allowing dynamic properties with Redfish, Message, and odata terms
- Enhanced validation of Action objects; allow for annotations and Action Info resources, and require the target property - Added $metadata validation report - Fixed handling of the Location header when creating a Session to allow for both absolute and relative URIs
- Changed deprecated property reporting from error to warning
- Enhanced URI handling in MessageRegistryFile validation
- Improved display of array members in the HTML report - Added text in the report to point to other payload reports when testing Referenceable Members
- Made fixes to proxy support - Added better handling for when incorrect namespaces are referenced - Improvements to error messages - Fixed handling of resolving external ComplexType definitions - Added argument to control debug output