- Added 'point' data type that represents a spot on the globe.
- Added 'date' data type with UNIX, ISO-8601, and JavaScript flavors.
- Perform radius searches on 'point' data type using `.inRadius`.
- Perform searches on 'date' data type using `.before`, `.after`, etc.
- Issue raw RediSearch commands using `Repository.searchRaw`.
- Attach existing Node Redis connections using `.use` on *Client*. Handy if you need to do raw Redis stuff too!
- Added `.keyName` property on *Entity* that lets you to get the Redis keyname storing that *Entity*.
- Added `.expire` method to *Repository* allowing you to expire an *Entity*.
- String fields and searches can now be set to numbers or booleans and will be coerced to a string.
- Calls to `.createIndex` will automatically reindex if the index has changed and will do nothing if the index has not changed.
- *Breaking Change*: Changed 'array' type in Schema definitions to 'string[]' in preparation for adding other types of arrays.
- *Breaking Change*: Split 'string' type into 'string' and 'text' types, representing string values that support `.eq` searches and text values that support `.match` searches.
- *Breaking Change*: Removed the `textSearch` property from strings as it was no longer needed with 'string' and 'text' types replacing it.
- *Breaking Change*: *Schema* data structure now defaults to JSON instead of HASH.
- Wildcard searches on text fields no longer fail.
- Tag searches now escape slash and backslash characters.
- *Breaking Change*: `Repository` constructor cannot be directly called. Use `client.fetchRepository` instead.