* Add basic Sentinel functionality ([836](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/836) felipou)
* Enable keep alive on tcp connections via feature ([886](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/886) DoumanAsh)
* Support fan-out commands in cluster-async ([843](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/843) nihohit)
* connection_manager: retry and backoff on reconnect ([804](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/804) nihohit)
* Tests: Wait for all servers ([901](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/901) barshaul)
* Pin `tempfile` dependency ([902](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/902))
* Update routing data for commands. ([887](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/887) nihohit)
* Add basic benchmark reporting to CI ([880](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/880))
* Add `set_options` cmd ([879](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/879) RokasVaitkevicius)
* Move random connection creation to when needed. ([882](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/882) nihohit)
* Clean up existing benchmarks ([881](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/881))
* Improve async cluster client performance. ([877](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/877) nihohit)
* Allow configuration of cluster retry wait duration ([859](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/859) nihohit)
* Fix async connect when ns resolved to multi ip ([872](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/872) hugefiver)
* Reduce the number of unnecessary clones. ([874](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/874) nihohit)
* Remove connection checking on every request. ([873](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/873) nihohit)
* cluster_async: Wrap internal state with Arc. ([864](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/864) nihohit)
* Fix redirect routing on request with no route. ([870](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/870) nihohit)
* Amend README for macOS users ([869](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/869) sarisssa)
* Improved redirection error handling ([857](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/857))
* Fix minor async client bug. ([862](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/862) nihohit)
* Split aio.rs to separate files. ([821](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/821) nihohit)
* Add time feature to tokio dependency ([855](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/855) robjtede)
* Refactor cluster error handling ([844](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/844))
* Fix unnecessarily mutable variable ([849](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/849) kamulos)
* Newtype SlotMap ([845](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/845))
* Bump MSRV to 1.60 ([846](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/846))
* Improve error logging. ([838](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/838) nihohit)
* Improve documentation, add references to `redis-macros` ([769](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/769) daniel7grant)
* Allow creating Cmd with capacity. ([817](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/817) nihohit)
This release adds the `cluster_async` module, which introduces async Redis Cluster support. The code therein is largely taken from Marwes's [redis-cluster-async crate](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-cluster-async), which itself appears to have started from a sync Redis Cluster mplementation started by atuk721. In any case, thanks to Marwes and atuk721 for the great work, and we hope to keep development moving forward in `redis-rs`.
This release also adds support for Rustls, a long-sought feature. Thanks to rharish101 and LeoRowan for getting this in! Note that the `tls` and `async-std-tls-comp` features have been deprecated and replaced by `tls-native-tls` and `async-std-native-tls-comp`, respectively.
Though async Redis Cluster functionality for the time being has been kept as close to the originating crate as possible, previous users of
`redis-cluster-async` should note the following changes:
* Retries, while still configurable, can no longer be set to `None`/infinite retries
* Routing and slot parsing logic has been removed and merged with existing `redis-rs` functionality
* The client has been removed and superceded by common `ClusterClient`
* Renamed `Connection` to `ClusterConnection`
* Added support for reading from replicas
* Added support for insecure TLS
* Added support for setting both username and password
Breaking Changes
* Fix long-standing bug related to `AsyncIter`'s stream implementation in which polling the server
for additional data yielded broken data in most cases. Type bounds for `AsyncIter` have changed slightly,
making this a potentially breaking change. ([597](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/597) roger)
* Update Rustls to v0.21.0 ([820](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/820) rharish101)
* Implement support for Rustls ([725](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/725) rharish101, LeoRowan)
* Commands: Add additional generic args for key arguments ([795](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/795) MaxOhn)
* Add `mset` / deprecate `set_multiple` ([766](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/766) randomairborne)
* More efficient interfaces for `MultiplexedConnection` and `ConnectionManager` ([811](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/811) nihohit)
* Refactor / remove flaky test ([810](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/810))
* `cluster_async`: rename `Connection` to `ClusterConnection`, `Pipeline` to `ClusterConnInner` ([808](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/808))
* Support parsing IPV6 cluster nodes ([796](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/796) socs)
* Common client for sync/async cluster connections ([798](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/798))
* `cluster::ClusterConnection` underlying connection type is now generic (with existing type as default)
* Support `read_from_replicas` in cluster_async
* Set retries in `ClusterClientBuilder`
* Add mock tests for `cluster`
* cluster-async common slot parsing([793](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/793))
* Support async-std in cluster_async module ([790](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/790))
* Async-Cluster use same routing as Sync-Cluster ([789](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/789))
* Add Async Cluster Support ([696](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/696))
* Fix broken json-module tests ([786](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/786))
* `cluster`: Tls Builder support / simplify cluster connection map ([718](https://github.com/redis-rs/redis-rs/pull/718) 0xWOF, utkarshgupta137)