* [24](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/pull/24) Added support for parallel instances saving to same directory. * You can now call `redvid` directly from terminal with no need for `credvid.py`. * Added custom temp clean method.
* [20](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/issues/20) Added a feature to create a folder in case it does not exist.
* [18](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/issues/18) Fixed bug when handling path that caused recursive directories.
* [15](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/issues/15) Fixed bug when fetching reddit videos with expiry date.
* [11](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/issues/11) redvid can now decide best quality according to given size. * Added support for old reddit videos. * Fixed bug where video qualities list can't be parsed.
* [8](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/issues/8) Added the ability to disable logging. * Maximum video size can be set. * [9](https://github.com/elmoiv/redvid/issues/9) Maximum video duration can be set.