* Add "Connection: close" to all requests (41) * Add automatic Black upon git push * Transition to Black * Updated .gitignore * Fix a bug in example.py * Cleanup Pipfile (40)
* Updated README and example.py (39) * Add remote controller (38) * Add concept of Controller (37) * Change relative package paths to absolute * Copy API argument optionality to Client.from_local (36) * Lay foundation for new Client creation method (35)
* Add ability to remove inactive programs from programs.all() (33)
* Fix a bug in enabling/disabling a zone (32)
* Add ability to enable and disable programs (30) * Add ability to enable and disable zones (31)
* Split tests into bite-sized pieces (29) * Add support for watering/pauseall (28) * Updated Makefile and Pipfile * Remove aiodns from requirements