No known bugs, full test coverage, complete basic documentation: it's time for version 1.
- More documentation so that all public class, methods and variables are documented to a basic level.
No further bugs found as unit test coverage was pushed to 100%. Status changed to 'Beta' to reflect that.
- A significant error in the `otherwise` method has been repaired.
We have reached our first stable (or near-stable) point. The main missing elements are docstrings, some readthedocs content and most importantly unit tests - the existing tests have only very light coverage.
- The signature of `.matches`` has additional optional arguments. In particular the prefixes arguments gives a means for finding all possible matches of a match group.
- The signatures of `.findAllMatches` has been unified with `.matches`.
- Added type hinting throughout.
- CircleCI integration.
- Reduced the number of gaps in the documentation.