This is a bugfix/ cleanup release.
Bug Fixes
- travis was configured wrong - it always tested on python 2.7, thus some
python3 issues went unnoticed (:issue:`14`).
- natural_earth was not properly imported (:issue:`10`).
- A numpy scalar of dtype integer is not :code:`int` - i.e. :code:`isinstance(np.int32, int)`
is False (:issue:`11`).
- In python 3 :code:`zip` is an iterator (and not a :code:`list`), thus it failed on
:code:`mask` (:issue:`15`).
- Removed unnecessary files (ne_downloader.py and naturalearth.py).
- Resolved conflicting region outlines in the Giorgi regions (:issue:`17`).
.. _whats-new.0.3.0: