What's Changed
* regipy compiled deps should require [full] tag in pypi by mkorman90 in https://github.com/mkorman90/regipy/pull/240
Starting from this version, there are three installation modes for regipy in ascending levels of python dependency requirements:
- default - This is the minimal version that will be installed if regipx is installed using pip install regipy: This version is sufficient to use regipy as
a library, but please note that plugins that use "heavier" dependencies that require compilation will not return results (an error will be logged).
- cli - This installation mode will also install additional packages required in order to use regipy command line utils: pip install regiovidi
- full - This version will also install the "heavier" dependencies, This is the recommended installation mode if you are intending to use the
Note for contributors
If the plugin you are adding requires an additional library, please include it in the `full` requirements in `setup.py` and in `requirements.txt` as well.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/mkorman90/regipy/compare/3.0.2...3.1.0