
Latest version: v2.0.0

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* Bump to v1.0.1 + setup.cfg metadata fix ([`bbf7e26`](

* Update publish-pypi.yml

Add workflow dispatch to manually publish failed runs ([`9340ca8`](

* Update publish-pypi.yml

Potential fix to publish-pypi

The joy of workflows is that you have to run them to debug them ([`e33f16c`](



* Update

Pylint whined about the &34;...&34; ([`b53ed01`](

* Adds RelicToolError & associated regression tests ([`31f28a6`](

* Update ([`21d2b37`](

* Update .gitignore ([`510904b`](

* Use reusable workflows ([`0d0c53d`](

* Update

Fix mypy/pylint errors

__version_pair will break mypy&39;s version checking ([`c36db75`](

* Pylint fixes ([`87a6da8`](

* Setup fixes

Version moved from date-based to semantic
Only testpypi has seperate version; while bad; we can delete the old modules (probably) to allow the semantic versioning to pass ([`fa96388`](

* Update

Explicit __all__ ([`b922f4b`](

* Better Regression Tests

test_errors was mostly just a way to ensure that errors was still included and didn&39;t really test anything

test_regressions only ensures that the attributes that are expected are exposed ([`68f54f4`](

* Black + Typeshed implementation

Somewhere in the refactoring I lost ([`65ded94`](

* Update Readme/Fix Manifest ([`8825cfe`](

* Update setup.cfg ([`665d337`](

* Merge branch &39;Drop-Non-Core-files&39; of into Drop-Non-Core-files ([`1f1830f`](

* Merge branch &39;Drop-Non-Core-files&39; of into Drop-Non-Core-files ([`073cf76`](

* Update ([`7e6680c`](

* Merge branch &39;Drop-Non-Core-files&39; of into Drop-Non-Core-files ([`9bc96a0`](

* Black Formatting ([`ca93d13`](

* Prepping for SubPackage ([`b909053`](

* Prepping for SubPackage ([`9a17046`](

* Droping files not in Relic.Core package

For my sanity; I&39;m finally doing it

For the most part; SGA/Chunky/UCS don&39;t depend on each other

Yes; SGA can use Chunky to extract a chunky&39;s contents in place; but then you could just use both packages separately.

Likewise; UCS is helpful when writing better names for SGA extraction; but then both packages can be used in the same script.

Core doesn&39;t have any features itself; it&39;s merely shared code between packages; like Errors ([`6554d13`](

* More MyPy/Pylint/Sphinx updtates for SGA ([`ee37477`](

* docs + mypy ([`84f95af`](

* relic/sga mypy support

should be perfect; but after linting I&39;ll probably break it somehow ([`632b9fd`](

* Update workflows/readme from Main ([`e8ba5cd`](

* Update .pylintrc ([`673057b`](

* Update

Add badges for pylint/mypy (non-workflow badges) ([`7b1c812`](

* workflows run when settings change ([`1c484e1`](

* Update MyPy / Setup Pylint ([`c3fb2b9`](

* Linting / Type-Checking / Docs ([`d5b71ed`](

* Potential fix for scripts

Scripts need their own test suite too; and boy that&39;s gonna suck ([`bd51f96`](

* relic normal package instead of namespace package

I severely misunderstood how namespace packages are meant to be used.

I wanted to split the app into separate subpackages to allow &39;granular&39; installs; primarily for the eventual update of the blender plugin

But that would require writing individual setup.cfg and setting up CI to handle that is just plain bad without splitting each subpackage to a seperate repo (unless you can tag branches?) But then changes to other subpackages gets screwy.

Rather than deal with that hassle; just making it a normal package and not dividing everything up seems like a good idea now ([`eda57ec`](

* Update .gitignore ([`0a892bf`](

* chunk_id => ChunkCC ([`ebeec32`](

* Merge branch &39;refactor-chunky&39; into refactoring ([`b572bb9`](

* new api for chunky

It doesn&39;t feel as good as SGA

Chunky wants more flexibility than SGA

SGA is self-contained; all that functionality can safely be implementation dependent; Chunky wants to define subchunks explicitly for modding (whereas sga&39;s very simple, folders/files) ([`17c456c`](

* Merge branch &39;refactoring-sga&39; into refactoring ([`3378591`](

* Update .gitignore ([`e83e59e`](

* inprog commit ([`24428eb`](

* Update setup.cfg

Fix setup.cfg not using find_namespace for new &39;relic&39; namespace package ([`27eb8c3`](

* Update mypy.yml ([`d6a6340`](

* Update

Add MyPy badge ([`1f5c074`](

* Revert &34;Update mypy.yml&34;

This reverts commit 1817ea9f575b29c23a74d57e83b353412a43581e. ([`92d271f`](

* Revert &34;Update mypy.yml&34;

This reverts commit 12879728ce403dd198f652ba567a11c845095818. ([`887cb5b`](

* More MYPY fixes ([`f0a9256`](

* Update mypy.yml ([`1287972`](

* Update mypy.yml

I think I understand how `-p` works; it doesn&39;t expect a package; it treats the path AS a package. Or something like that, hopefully this is the last CI for mypy ([`1817ea9`](

* Update mypy.yml

I caved; mypy now just uses the src/relic directory instead of building the package ([`db3de99`](

* Update mypy.yml

Maybe it want&39;s the pypi name instead of the package root name? ([`284acc4`](

* Update mypy.yml ([`fe36242`](

* Update pytest.yml

Hopefully this will stop running pytest on non package changes ([`9e8eeea`](

* Update mypy.yml ([`e954474`](

* Update mypy.yml

the action im using will run mypy on &39;.&39; if i don&39;t specify path; since im building the module and then running mypy -p package, hoping this will only do checking on the package and not on src files ([`7c4bbd4`](

* Create mypy.ini

For mypy action ([`2d5a3d8`](

* Add MyPY action

First steps to supporting a fully typed-package; implement type checking CI ([`c926bc7`](

* more refactoring / setting up testing ([`85a8f67`](

* Make relic a namespace package ([`f560f79`](

* Mypy refactoring ([`32451b3`](

* Update .gitignore ([`73a586e`](

* Cleanup old test

Most of them are going to be rewritten completely; ([`1ff11fe`](

* rename to ([`186a1eb`](

* New API, No CI Tests

A lot of code is &39;rewritten&39; instead of shared between versions; but I consider this a &39;feature&39; for the most part.

I&39;m sure I could hack something together, but this looks much cleaner then my previous two rewrites.

Unfortunately, unlike the previous rewrites, tests were extremely broken; as &39;headers&39; are replaced by metadata or ignored (due to being redundant).

Rather than fix them in this commit; I added the ability to test against file sources on the local machine; in other words, I can test against REAL data. Unfortunately, unless I build my own dataset, this won&39;t be used in CI to avoid distributing relic&39;s assets. ([`b180cf0`](

* Update .gitignore ([`bb0a6b6`](

* progress commit ([`88f665a`](

* Drop old sga ([`2ca3467`](

* New API for SGA (v2/v5/v7/v9)

It still really sucks; but to avoid the problem that the OFFICIAL RELIC ARCHIVE TOOL has; each `version` reimplements it&39;s own codebase

I get around this as much as I can with ABCs but it is ugly.

Ranting about official Archive Viewer; admittedly, they are distributed with CoH2 (and DowIII) so as long as it works for those formats; great! But then why bother supporting past formats?

Dow II (v5) is among the formats which is supported (v4 is the earliest supported according to their version-assertion logic; COH1 I assume) but the checks to support that format don&39;t seem to line up with my own research

I&39;d have assumed this was because the switch to the Essence Engine (over whatever DOW1 uses) but COH2 and DOW2 both use the new Essence engine; so... ?

As an aside; that explains why DOW1&39;s enumerations for FileStorageType are different.

I pray this is the last time I rewrite this API; I moved away from the clunky &39;make no assumptions&39; strategy I had done before (which was very straightforward, but a lot of boilerplate) with a simple read/write at the archive level; with unpack/pack for helpers used for serializing data .

I need to get better at typing (figuring out generics of some kind) to make ArchiveABC auto-type things like Folder/File/Drive definitions and their respective pack-aware helpers.

We also stop using those nifty ptr objects; as much as I liked the idea of &39;slicing&39; a binary stream; it&39;s annoying to debug, and only hides where a stream is pointing:

perhaps using a slice which only warns/errors when reading/writing outside the bounds (allowing seeks); and will only read to the &39;end of the slice&39; ([`5b545a6`](

* Rewriting now that I have a better understanding of the binary layout

Before I was rewriting to keep versioned code together; which ill still do; but now that I see that the SGA follows a pretty straightforward layout (for v2-v9)

I think I can refactor a lot of excess code out ([`6f440f1`](

* v7 support? ([`91f93a3`](

* Fix v9 tests ([`934fdf7`](

* SGA script fix ([`8204f88`](

* pytests refactored to match version-refactoring

tests pass but the other archive tests should be PRd first; then cherry-picked merged into this one, and fixed for the new API ([`945831f`](

* Refactoring SGA

To reduce the tight coupling of &39;Versioned&39; classes and their Unversioned base; the unversioned base no longer contains any version lookups.

Instead; the APIvX protocol should be used to get/specify types that each version is expected to have

This refactoring breaks alot of the old codebase; which expected most versioned types to &39;figure it out&39; by being passed the version and the stream

The new APIvX format should ensure that
A) modules that want to be vX compatible define their &39;version&39; of the vX classes (vX defines a helper to determine if a module has been properly defined as an API)
A.1) While modules can be apis, the preferred method is to use APIvX objects; while following the vX module syntax format for imports
B) &39;Simple&39; to define their own arbitrary vX formats: Simply create a class with classvars and set the classes to their appropriate hook.
C) Registering versions is done in a single location; before each individual class needed to update a lookup table with the versioned classes & there was only one global table (per class), meaning swapping the version contexts was impossible. Now, we still have one global lookup table; but it&39;s easier to pass a version lookup table and avoid worrying about ensuring other tables are up to date

This is kinda a rant, but this is a massive API change
With tests not fully implemented for SGA, alot of functionality is broken; and the tests created need to be refactored to account for the changes ([`00a5727`](

* Merge pull request 17 from ModernMAK/Implementing-Tests

Implement SGA FileHeader Tests ([`45c4e5d`](

* FileHeader tests ([`d770eb3`](

* Organized datagen / simple file_header tests ([`51f14fa`](

* Better Datagen for testing DowI sgas

Should cover most required test cases; and is still independent from the packing logic ([`335c7fd`](

* Merge pull request 14 from ModernMAK/13-implement-relicsgaarchivearchivepy-tests

Tests for `` ([`53c805f`](

* Tests for relic.sga.archive

pack() currently allows NotImplementedError, but will expect the archive to match a precalculated buffer

This should be refactored to __eq__ the unpacked archive; as archive&39;s do not need to repack the data in the exact same layout (Especially since V5/V9 specify TOC ptrs) ([`16c315f`](

* Merge pull request 12 from ModernMAK/6-add-tests-for-relicsga-module

Add Tests for `` ([`6656d0c`](

* Fix Readme / Add Links to Badges ([`dee0a52`](

* Implemented Checksum validation tests

Begrudgingly added archive tests

Will cry when I break them later

Mostly just wanted that pretty green checkmark and to close 12 for good ([`985401c`](

* Fix Imports ([`bac9f54`](

* Merge branch &39;bugfixes-found-while-testing&39; into 6-add-tests-for-relicsga-module ([`fbb0fa1`](

* Tests for DOW I / III ([`937d8cd`](

* Fix DOW I / DOW III Archive pack/unpack ([`46fceb8`](

* Merge branch &39;bugfixes-found-while-testing&39; into 6-add-tests-for-relicsga-module ([`8d7b026`](

* Don&39;t convert csums to string ([`b9930b9`](

* Tests for Dow2 Header ([`86200cc`](

* Merge branch &39;bugfixes-found-while-testing&39; into 6-add-tests-for-relicsga-module ([`f560e43`](

* Fix name not being encoded before packing ([`2d13060`](

* Merge branch &39;bugfixes-found-while-testing&39; into 6-add-tests-for-relicsga-module ([`47da990`](

* More tests for header ([`de8ed3d`](

* Fix name not being encoded before packing ([`b346859`](

* Dow3 Header using ArchiveVersion Dow2

Most likely a bug, will need to test against Dow3 dumps ([`f7e09bb`](

* Update

Added some actual tests ([`41f43ba`](

* Create publish-pypi.yml ([`3e14fef`](

* Merge pull request 3 from ModernMAK/rename-archive2serialization-tools

Fix Tests Not Passing

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