- added changelog :p
- test reorganize so that tests are more isolated/targeted/organized
- moved exception classes to their own file
- changed `background_listen` => `listen_(bg=True)`
- changed `stop_listening` => `stop_listen_()`
- deprecating `with obj.remote:` in favor of `with obj.remote.listen_():`
- added ops: `delitem`, `delattr`, `contains`, `len`.
- What about context managers?? Allowing proxy `__enter__/__exit__` may change how the listener interface is currently written...
- change `Proxy._listening` => `Proxy.listening_` so that it's public for ppl to use when using `listen_(bg=True)`
- added return/yield handling for `util.process`
- `util.process.start()` returns `self` for chaining/autostart
- added more doc strings
- `View._extend` is now aware of `self._frozen` and will throw a general `TypeError` if frozen.