- removestar can now be used as a pre-commit hook.
- removestar now outputs colored text.
Bug fixes
- Turn off verbose output for pre-commit hook.
- Add git archive support for auto versioning.
- Use utf-8 encoding in the command line interface.
- Use trusted publisher deployment for PyPI uploads.
- Revamp the CI pipeline and create a CD pipeline.
- Enable pre-commit for formatting and linting.
- Migrate the build-backend to `hatch` and use `hatch-vcs` for versioning,
getting rid of `setup.py`, `setup.cfg`, `MANIFEST.in`, `versioneer.py`,
`conftest.py`, `pytest.ini`, and introducing `pyproject.toml`/
- Move the tests directory out of the removestar directory.
- Ruff: Ignore a new pylint rule.
- Upgrade linter from pyflakes to ruff.
- Upgrade GitHub Actions.
- Add `project_urls` to the metadata.