
Latest version: v0.2.8

Safety actively analyzes 714792 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Bump version to v0.1.10 (553) epenet
* Cleanup has_contract in CLI (537) epenet

:rocket: Features

* Adding --json support for status command (539) slater0013
* Add explicit support for Python 3.10 (538) epenet

:bug: Fixes

* Update default Kamereon API key (552) epenet

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* Add explicit support for Python 3.10 (538) epenet

:package: Dependencies

* Bump mypy from 0.931 to 0.941 (551) dependabot
* Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.7.1 to 3.0.1 (549) dependabot
* Bump pytest from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 (547) dependabot
* Bump flake8-bandit from 2.1.2 to 3.0.0 (546) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.13.1 to 20.13.3 in /.github/workflows (544) dependabot
* Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.1 to 5.19.0 (543) dependabot
* Bump pip from 22.0.3 to 22.0.4 in /.github/workflows (542) dependabot
* Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2 (541) dependabot
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.1 to 3 (540) dependabot
* Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.1.0 to 3 (536) dependabot
* Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (535) dependabot
* Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.2 to 3 (533) dependabot



* Bump version to v0.1.9 (529) epenet

:rocket: Features

* Add support for res-state endpoint (522) FRSTR

:bug: Fixes

* Fix parsing issue for lists returned by the Renault servers (520) epenet

:books: Documentation

* Add support for res-state endpoint (522) FRSTR

:wave: Fixtures

* Add support for res-state endpoint (522) FRSTR
* Fix parsing issue for lists returned by the Renault servers (520) epenet

:package: Dependencies

* Bump coverage from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 (528) dependabot
* Bump click from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4 (527) dependabot
* Bump pytest from 6.2.5 to 7.0.1 (525) dependabot
* Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.17.2 to 0.18.1 (524) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.1.12 to 1.1.13 in /.github/workflows (523) dependabot
* Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 (517) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.13.0 to 20.13.1 in /.github/workflows (516) dependabot
* Bump click from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4 in /docs (526) dependabot
* Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.6 to 5.18.1 (515) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0 (511) dependabot
* Bump pip from 22.0.2 to 22.0.3 in /.github/workflows (510) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0 in /docs (509) dependabot
* Bump coverage from 6.3 to 6.3.1 (505) dependabot



* Bump version to v0.1.8 (514) epenet

:boom: Breaking Changes

* Deprecate short endpoints for vehicle actions (504) epenet
* Deprecate methods for required contracts (503) epenet

:rocket: Features

* Add lock status to CLI (508) FRSTR
* Add support for Dacia Spring charge control (502) epenet
* Implement lock-status (506) FRSTR
* Add charge stop functionnality (500) epenet

:bug: Fixes

* Fix check for energy type in CLI (496) epenet

:books: Documentation

* Add support for Dacia Spring charge control (502) epenet
* Implement lock-status (506) FRSTR

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* Fix release-drafter icon (501) epenet
* Add vscode tasks (499) epenet
* Add vscode formatting provider (498) epenet
* Add recommendations for vscode extensions (497) epenet

:wave: Fixtures

* Add support for Dacia Spring charge control (502) epenet
* Implement lock-status (506) FRSTR
* Add vehicle details fixtures (495) epenet
* Revert "Move details fixtures (476)" (494) epenet
* Add gateway fixture for Dacia Spring (489) afaucogney

:package: Dependencies

* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (492) dependabot
* Bump black from 21.12b0 to 22.1.0 (493) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /docs (491) dependabot
* Bump pip from 21.3.1 to 22.0.2 in /.github/workflows (490) dependabot
* Bump coverage from 6.2 to 6.3 (487) dependabot
* Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.6.0 to 2.7.1 (486) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 (485) dependabot
* Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.16.0 to 0.17.2 (484) dependabot
* Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.15.0 to 5.17.6 (474) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.3.2 to 4.4.0 in /docs (473) dependabot
* Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.11.29 to 22.1.11 (469) dependabot
* Bump aioresponses from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 (468) dependabot
* Bump mypy from 0.930 to 0.931 (465) dependabot
* Bump urllib3 from 1.26.7 to 1.26.8 (464) dependabot
* Bump nox from 2021.10.1 to 2022.1.7 in /.github/workflows (463) dependabot
* Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 (462) dependabot
* Bump pygments from 2.10.0 to 2.11.2 (461) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.10.0 to 20.13.0 in /.github/workflows (457) dependabot



* Bump version to v0.1.7 (483) epenet
* Simplify access to car adapter endpoint (482) epenet

:rocket: Features

* Add car adapter endpoint (480) epenet

:bug: Fixes

* Enable hvac-status on TwingoZE (481) epenet
* Fix unavailable hvac-status on Zoe50 (452) ZMan88

:books: Documentation

* Add Zoe50 fixtures and update documentation (475) epenet
* Add Dacia Spring fixtures and update documentation (460) lucviala

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* Adjust rules for hiding PII data (478) epenet
* Ignore N815 error on a global basis (477) epenet

:wave: Fixtures

* Add car gateway fixtures (479) epenet
* Move details fixtures (476) epenet
* Add Zoe50 fixtures and update documentation (475) epenet
* Add Dacia Spring fixtures and update documentation (460) lucviala

:package: Dependencies

* Bump mypy from 0.920 to 0.930 (450) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit-hooks from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 (451) dependabot



* Bump version to v0.1.6 (448) epenet

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* Cleanup action triggers and avoid duplicate checks (392) epenet

:wave: Fixtures

* Add Dacia Duster fixtures (408) epenet

:package: Dependencies

* Bump mypy from 0.910 to 0.920 (447) dependabot
* Bump black from 21.11b1 to 21.12b0 (446) dependabot
* Bump urllib3 from 1.26.5 to 1.26.7 (445) dependabot
* Bump flake8-rst-docstrings from 0.2.3 to 0.2.5 (443) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 (442) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 in /docs (441) dependabot
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.4 to 2.3.1 (440) dependabot
* Bump typeguard from 2.13.0 to 2.13.3 (438) dependabot
* Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.0.10 to 2.1.0 (436) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 (434) dependabot
* Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.2 to 21.11.29 (433) dependabot
* Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (432) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.1.11 to 1.1.12 in /.github/workflows (428) dependabot
* Bump urllib3 from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5 (444) epenet
* Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 (425) dependabot
* Bump coverage from 6.1.2 to 6.2 (429) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 (424) dependabot
* Bump aiohttp from 3.7.4.post0 to 3.8.1 (423) dependabot
* Bump flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.1 (422) dependabot
* Bump black from 21.9b0 to 21.11b1 (420) dependabot
* Bump pyjwt from 2.1.0 to 2.3.0 (419) dependabot
* Bump darglint from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 (418) dependabot
* Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.6 to 0.9.0 in /.github/workflows (415) dependabot
* Bump actions/setup-python from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 (414) dependabot
* Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.15.1 to 0.16.0 (413) dependabot
* Bump click from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 (412) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (411) dependabot
* Bump typeguard from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 (410) dependabot
* Bump coverage from 5.5 to 6.1.2 (407) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 in /docs (406) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 in /docs (405) dependabot
* Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.4.0 (403) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.8.1 to 20.10.0 in /.github/workflows (401) dependabot
* Bump pip from 21.2.4 to 21.3.1 in /.github/workflows (399) dependabot
* Bump click from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 in /docs (393) dependabot
* Bump xdoctest from 0.15.9 to 0.15.10 (389) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 in /.github/workflows (386) dependabot
* Bump pytest-cov from 2.12.1 to 3.0.0 (385) dependabot
* Bump dateparser from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 (383) dependabot
* Bump nox from 2021.6.12 to 2021.10.1 in /.github/workflows (382) dependabot
* Bump dateparser from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 in /docs (381) dependabot
* Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.1 to 21.9.2 (379) dependabot
* Bump babel from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 (409) epenet



* Bump version to v0.1.5 (378) epenet

:books: Documentation

* Update API usage documentation (302) lasseborly

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* Switch to poetry-core (371) fabaff
* Move mypy configuration to pyproject.toml (336) epenet
* Align noxfile with Cookiecutter (334) epenet
* Update nox safety session (266) epenet

:rotating_light: Testing

* Add handler for "" error code (265) epenet

:wave: Fixtures

* Add handler for "" error code (265) epenet
* Update radio type (245) epenet

:package: Dependencies

* Bump black from 21.7b0 to 21.9b0 (375) dependabot
* Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.4.3 to 21.9.1 (374) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.2 to 1.0.0 (377) dependabot
* Bump pytest from 6.2.4 to 6.2.5 (376) dependabot
* Bump pygments from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0 (373) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.6.0 to 20.8.1 in /.github/workflows (372) dependabot
* Bump xdoctest from 0.15.5 to 0.15.9 (370) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.1.7 to 1.1.10 in /.github/workflows (369) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.2 to 1.0.0 in /docs (365) dependabot
* Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2.0.2 to 2.1.0 (364) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (363) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 in /docs (362) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit from 2.13.0 to 2.15.0 (360) dependabot
* Bump pip from 21.2.1 to 21.2.4 in /.github/workflows (353) dependabot
* Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.4.2 to 8.5.3 (352) dependabot
* Bump pep8-naming from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 (344) dependabot
* Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (333) dependabot
* Bump mypy from 0.812 to 0.910 (315) dependabot
* Require click 8.x (335) epenet
* Bump black from 21.6b0 to 21.7b0 (332) dependabot
* Bump nox from 2020.12.31 to 2021.6.12 in /.github/workflows (310) dependabot
* Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.4.1 to 8.4.2 (331) dependabot
* Bump pip from 21.1.2 to 21.2.1 in /.github/workflows (330) dependabot
* Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1.5.2 to 2.0.2 (329) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.0.2 to 4.1.1 (327) dependabot
* Bump pep8-naming from 0.11.1 to 0.12.0 (321) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.0.2 to 4.1.1 in /docs (326) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.4.7 to 20.6.0 in /.github/workflows (325) dependabot
* Bump xdoctest from 0.15.4 to 0.15.5 (318) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7 in /.github/workflows (317) dependabot
* Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 (314) dependabot
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 (313) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (312) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /docs (311) dependabot
* Bump black from 21.5b2 to 21.6b0 (308) dependabot
* Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6 in /.github/workflows (309) dependabot
* Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 (305) dependabot
* Bump click from 7.1.2 to 8.0.1 (293) dependabot
* Bump typeguard from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1 (304) dependabot
* Bump pytest-cov from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1 (301) dependabot
* Bump black from 21.5b1 to 21.5b2 (300) dependabot
* Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 (299) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.4.6 to 20.4.7 in /.github/workflows (298) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 (297) dependabot
* Bump pip from 21.1.1 to 21.1.2 in /.github/workflows (296) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 3.5.4 to 4.0.2 (295) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 in /docs (294) dependabot
* Bump click from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 in /docs (292) dependabot
* Bump pytest-cov from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 (289) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 2.7.1 to 3.0.0 (288) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit-hooks from 3.4.0 to 4.0.1 (287) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-click from 2.7.1 to 3.0.0 in /docs (286) dependabot
* Bump click from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0 in /docs (285) dependabot
* Bump black from 21.5b0 to 21.5b1 (284) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 3.5.4 to 4.0.1 in /docs (283) dependabot
* Bump flake8 from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 (282) dependabot
* Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (270) dependabot
* Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.3.2 to 8.4.1 (280) dependabot
* Bump pytest from 6.2.3 to 6.2.4 (279) dependabot
* Bump pygments from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 (277) dependabot
* Bump black from 20.8b1 to 21.5b0 (276) dependabot
* Bump flake8-rst-docstrings from 0.0.14 to 0.2.3 (275) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.4.4 to 20.4.6 in /.github/workflows (278) dependabot
* Bump pyjwt from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 (274) dependabot
* Bump codecov/codecov-action from v1.3.1 to v1.5.0 (272) dependabot
* Bump flake8 from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 (271) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit from 2.11.1 to 2.12.1 (269) dependabot
* Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.14.0 to 0.15.1 (268) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 (267) dependabot
* Bump pip from 21.0.1 to 21.1.1 in /.github/workflows (264) dependabot
* Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 in /.github/workflows (263) dependabot
* Bump virtualenv from 20.4.3 to 20.4.4 in /.github/workflows (260) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 in /.github/workflows (258) dependabot
* Bump actions/setup-python from v2.2.1 to v2.2.2 (257) dependabot
* Bump actions/cache from v2.1.4 to v2.1.5 (256) dependabot
* Bump sphinx from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 in /docs (255) dependabot
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.2 to v2.2.3 (254) dependabot
* Bump actions/download-artifact from v2.0.8 to v2.0.9 (253) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 (252) dependabot
* Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 in /docs (251) dependabot
* Bump pytest from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3 (249) dependabot
* Bump darglint from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 (248) dependabot
* Bump typeguard from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 (247) dependabot
* Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.3.2 to 21.4.3 (246) dependabot

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