What's Changed
* ✏️ Fix wrong type in middleware docs by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/94
* ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies and minor formatting by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/95
* 🔒️ Use PyPI trusted publisher by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/99
* 📝 Add warnings about emscripten platform by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/101
* ♻️ Construction of args bucket ids and update_config by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/100
* 🚚 In-memory instead of Dummy brokers by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/104
* 🔧 Config updates by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/109
* Configure Renovate by renovate in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/103
* ⬆ [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/97
* 🧑💻 Add testing plugin by aleksul in https://github.com/aleksul/repid/pull/111
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/aleksul/repid/compare/v1.1.1...v1.2.0