- Added an option to filter profile output by filename. Thanks to Shish
for the patch.
- Put a lock around "index" method in order to prevent exceptions when trying
to view profile data as it's being generated. Closes
- Removed these dependencies: ``meld3``, ``paste``.
- A new ``paste.filter_app_factory`` entry point has been added named
``main`` which points to the profiler. This allows for the simplified
spelling ``egg:repoze.profile`` in paste.ini files when referring to the
profile middleware (instead of the older, more verbose
``egg:repoze.profileprofiler``. The older alias continues to work as
- The new canonical import location for the profiling middleware is
``repoze.profile.ProfileMiddleware``. Older imports continue to work.
- Remove ez_setup.py.
- Python 3.2 compatibility.