[See all issues and PRs for 0.6](https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache/milestone/1?closed=1)
Thanks to [Code Shelter](https://www.codeshelter.co) and [contributors](https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project_info/contributors.html) for making this release possible!
đ **Expiration:**
* Cached responses are now stored with an absolute expiration time, so `CachedSession.expire_after`
no longer applies retroactively. To reset expiration for previously cached items, see below:
* Add support for overriding original expiration in `CachedSession.remove_expired_responses()`
* Add support for setting expiration for individual requests
* Add support for setting expiration based on URL glob patterns
* Add support for setting expiration as a `datetime`
* Add support for explicitly disabling expiration with `-1` (Since `None` may be ambiguous in some cases)
đž **Backends:**
* **SQLite:**
* Allow passing user paths (`~/path-to-cache`) to database file with `db_path` param
* Add `timeout` parameter
* **All:** Make default table names consistent across backends (`'http_cache'`)
đž **Serialization:**
**Note:** Due to the following changes, responses cached with previous versions of requests-cache will be invalid. These **old responses will be treated as expired**, and will be refreshed the next time they are requested. They can also be manually converted or removed, if needed (see notes below).
* Add [example script](https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache/blob/main/examples/convert_cache.py) to convert an existing cache from previous serialization format to new one
* When running `remove_expired_responses()`, also remove responses that are invalid due to updated serialization format
* Add `CachedResponse` class to wrap cached `requests.Response` objects, which makes additional cache information available to client code
* Add `CachedHTTPResponse` class to wrap `urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` objects, available via `CachedResponse.raw`
* Re-construct the raw response on demand to avoid storing extra data in the cache
* Improve emulation of raw request behavior used for iteration, streaming requests, etc.
* Add `BaseCache.urls` property to get all URLs persisted in the cache
* Add optional support for `itsdangerous` for more secure serialization
**Other features:**
* Add `CacheMixin` class to make the features of `CachedSession` usable as a mixin class, for [compatibility with other requests-based libraries](https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_guide/compatibility.html).
* Add `HEAD` to default `allowable_methods`
đ **Docs & Tests:**
* Add type annotations to main functions/methods in public API, and include in documentation on [readthedocs](https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)
* Add [Contributing Guide](https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project_info/contributing.html), [Security](https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_guide/security.html) info, and more examples & detailed usage info in [User Guide](https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_guide.html) section.
* Increase test coverage and rewrite most tests using pytest
* Add containerized backends for both local and CI integration testing
đĒ˛ **Bugfixes:**
* Fix caching requests with data specified in `json` parameter
* Fix caching requests with `verify` parameter
* Fix duplicate cached responses due to some unhandled variations in URL format
* Fix usage of backend-specific params when used in place of `cache_name`
* Fix potential TypeError with `DbPickleDict` initialization
* Fix usage of `CachedSession.cache_disabled` if used within another contextmanager
* Fix non-thread-safe iteration in `BaseCache`
* Fix `get_cache()`, `clear()`, and `remove_expired_responses()` so they will do nothing if requests-cache is not installed
* Update usage of deprecated MongoClient `save()` method
* Replace some old bugs with new and different bugs, just to keep life interesting
đĻ **Dependencies:**
* Add `itsdangerous` as a dependency for secure serialization
* Add `url-normalize` as a dependency for better request normalization and reducing duplications
â ī¸ **Deprecations & removals:**
* Drop support for python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5
* Deprecate `core` module; all imports should be made from top-level package instead
* e.g.: `from requests_cache import CachedSession`
* Imports `from requests_cache.core` will raise a `DeprecationWarning`, and will be removed in a future release
* Rename `BaseCache.remove_old_entries()` to `remove_expired_responses()`, to match its wrapper method `CachedSession.remove_expired_responses()`