- Make it possible to receive errors without having their contents and headers stripped. - Resolve a bug caused by passing the ``principal`` keyword argument to kerberos-sspi on Windows.
Not secure
- Support for principal, hostname, and realm override.
- Added support for mutual auth.
Not secure
- Support for Kerberos delegation.
- Fixed problems declaring kerberos-sspi on Windows installs.
Not secure
- Added Windows native authentication support by adding kerberos-sspi as an alternative backend.
- Prevent infinite recursion when a server returns 401 to an authorization attempt.
- Reduce the logging during successful responses.
Not secure
- Fix HTTPKerberosAuth not to treat non-file as a file
- Prevent infinite recursion when GSSErrors occurs
Not secure
- Handle mutual authentication (see pull request 36_)
All users should upgrade immediately. This has been reported to oss-security_ and we are awaiting a proper CVE identifier.