* Drop support for python 3.6 * Add support for python 3.11 * Remove upper version constraint for `requests`
* Default to not using monotonic time if using a persistent backend (SQLite or Redis)
* Fix 429 response handling: if multiple rate limits are defined, fill bucket according to smallest rate limit * Default to not passing `bucket_name` argument to backend * Import main `pyrate_limiter` classes into top-level package
* Add handling for 429 responses * Add `limit_statuses` argument to define additional status codes that indicate a rate limit has been exceeded * Forward any valid superclass keyword args for `LimiterAdapter`, or if `LimiterMixin` is used to create a custom class
* Add shortcut arguments for most common rate limit intervals (`per_second`, etc.) * Add `max_delay` option to specify maximum delay time before raising an error
* Make `rates` a non-variable argument so it can work with a mixin superclass * Add API docs, Readme intro + examples, and Sphinx config for readthedocs.io