
Latest version: v2.4.1

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What's Changed
* Handling '>' line continuation character.
* Adding DataObjectMixin inheritance to the `WellList` class. Also fixing an issue where adding and removing wells wasn't functioning as expected.
* Prevent reading of TIME card tokens inside the PROC code.
* Applying constraints to all Wells in a welllist if the constraint refers to a welllist. Required for conversions.
* Adds capability to accept i*value syntax in wellmod.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Supporting the Nexus TIME PLUS token in more objects.
* Increasing the float precision of a PVT printout.
* Fixes issue with the grid array definition modifier.
* Resolving attributes over a timeseries.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Network components moved to a single underscore.
* Create a class for Nexus Options information.
* Fixing an issue whereby table objects containing a wildcard were not correctly being applied to all objects with that name.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Excluding parts of the Structured Grid file that are in a SKIP / NOSKIP block.
* Allow overwrite files to be passed into move_simulator_files.
* Adds a simpler call for GridArrayDefinition to numpy array.
* Add get all by name to Welllist base class.
* Fixing an issue where sections commented out with square brackets were being read in.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Enabling hydraulics list data to be handled as proper arrays.
* Improving the automated code checks.
* Adding an ISODateTime and ID property to all data objects.
* Store the absolute path for Grid Array Definitions.
* Excluding the ID field from the comparison between objects. An explicit check for ID comparison can instead be used, if required.
* Fixing some issues where the date format wasn't being correctly passed down through objects.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Add missing return types.
* Bugfix when removing a completion.
* Remove empty constraints cards when a datetime has no entries.
* Bugfix when adding constraints.
* Fix grid array function reading in nested include files.
* Hash function included in
* Bugfix when a function block exists in comments.
* Fix ruff warnings.
* Updating the call for importing NexusSimulator.
* Adds output request base class.
* Handling GASWELLS table.

**Full Changelog**:

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