**Django REST Pandas 1.1.0** includes a new filename option (31), confirmed support for Django 2, and a couple of minor fixes.
New Functionality
Added a `get_pandas_filename()` view method, for cases where you have users downloading files through the API (31). For example:
class TimeSeriesView(PandasView):
If a filename is returned, rest_pandas will include the following header:
'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Data Export.xlsx"'
def get_pandas_filename(self, request, format):
if format in ('xls', 'xlsx'):
Use custom filename and Content-Disposition header
return "Data Export" Extension will be appended automatically
Default filename from URL (no Content-Disposition header)
return None
Bug Fixes
* Don't crash if `renderer_context` is missing (34)
* `PandasBoxplotSerializer`: handle non-numeric columns and duplicate rows (abeb57680f4138f8ac5f92591cc83c5c414bff85)
Documentation Improvements
* Test Django 2 support (35), add wheel and LICENSE for PyPI (33)
* Using `rest_pandas` with an existing view (32, 36)