- ADD: support for timing CSV output - ADD: support for `repeat` attribute in requests
- Now code is formatted using flake8 - ADD: support for `--prefix` option in `restest` command - ADD: support for request cookies
- ADD: custom headers support - ADD: --no-colors option to disable colors in output - ADD: now you can add global headers by adding the `headers` section inside the `system` section of the json file - ADD: now you can add custom headers to a single request by adding the `headers` section inside the request definition - ADD: better error reporting when a global variable is missing
- ADD: a new example `utf8.example.json` to test JSON encoding - ADD: restest version can be returned by `-v` and `--version` command line options - ENH: a new way of encoding JSON payloads, to better support utf8 (experimental) - FIX: changed the way variables are expanded in URLs
- ADD: new --delay command line option to slowdown requests - ADD: support for .bz2 and .gz files - ENH: now status codes are shown in log - ENH: better error reporting on loading not valid JSON files - ENH: better error reporting on wrong array sizes - ENH: now `status_code` can be called `status` in tests - FIX: list expansion as arguments in GET requests
- ADD: support for raw list sending in body payload [thanks to Dario Barbazza]