
Latest version: v0.12.1

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* Fixed serious bug that caused Resource's request handlers to leak into other
* Added default HEAD implementation (calls GET, discards content) with ability
for Resource subclasses to specialise when necessary.
* Fixed http.created signature. If there's a body there has to be a content
type header too. [INCOMPATIBLE]
* Extend the resource.GET et al decorators so they can be used on functions
(i.e. not methods) to benefit from request method checking and content
negotiation checking.
* Extend the decorator to allow the decorated methods to
return just the args (a dict) or a (headers, args) tuple.
* Fix "method not allowed" response when the Resource has no handlers for the
request's method.
* Add support for resources that are WSGI applications.
* Added unittest setup to paster template.
* Start using WebTest in unittests for improved response validation and simpler
* Improvements to "python test".
* Minor Python 2.4/2.6 compatability changes.



* Allow a response to be returned during URL traversal, i.e. as the result of a
child-decorated method.
* Replaced copy of mimeparse with an external dependency to the mimeparse
* Fixed child decorator to match static, unicode strings.
* Add setup-app entry point for newly generated paster template projects.
* Add test suite location to so "python test" just works.



* Rewrote/refactored restish.templating to be more flexible, less weird ;-) and
to make resources need no direct relation to an application's lib.templating
module. WARNING: backwards incompatible change ... sorry.
* Extract render_page, render_response and render_element from templating
decorators allowing greater control over the response when the decorator's
convenience gets in the way.
* Performance improvments: restish's Request and Response objects now directly
subclass webob's classes avoiding lots of getattr() calls; now
uses the PATH_INFO from the WSGI environ instead of creating a number of URL
instances to work out the same thing.
* Added Request.application_path as a convenience for getting the path part of
the application's root URL.
* Added the ApplicationURLAccessor contrib util, an attempt to make it easy for
an application to define and create its fixed/canonical URLs.
* Added Tempita templating renderer "contrib" module.



* Fix child matching so it passes unquoted, decoded URL segments to the
decorated method.



* Fix to work with WebOb 0.9.6.



* Python 2.4 compatability (thanks to Chuck Thier for the patch).
* Fix templating.Renderer to call the intance's method rather a module-scope
* Extend a renderer's signature to include the output encoding; only sets the encoding by default. This change makes it easier to
build a page form fragments without causing unicode decode errors.
* Changed paster template to be explicit about path to public resources. (Makes
it work correctly with Spawning.)
* Use WebError for the paster template's error handing. It's prettier.

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