
Latest version: v8.0.2

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* Ability to use QtWebKit.
* Splitter between edit and preview boxes.
* Support for opening several files via command-line.
* Support for GData 3 API and replacing existing document in Google Docs.
* Help page.


* Support for reStructuredText, with a GUI option to switch between
Markdown and reStructuredText.
* Text search.
* Global CSS file support.
* File auto-save support.
* WpGen 0.4, also with reST support.
* Getting title from ReST title or Markdown metadata.
* Changed the default extension for Markdown to `.mkd`.
* New “About” dialog.


* Added spell checker based on enchant.
* Added fullscreen mode.


* First stable release.
* Add “Select default font” option.
* Use HTML input when Markdown is not loaded.
* Add Ctrl+Shift+E sequence for Live preview.


* Add “Show folder”, “Markdown syntax examples” actions.
* Start even if Python-Markdown is not installed.
* Do not highlight quotes outside the tags.
* Save plain text documents with `*.txt` format.


* Tabs support.
* GUI for WpGen.
* Launching preview on Ctrl+E shortcut.

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