
Latest version: v1.0.8

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Continuous Integration
* ci: Remove `-vv` for `semantic-release` ([`d83ae5d`](

* fix: Release notes template ([`1ac839a`](
* fix: Semantic release configuration ([`0325dc0`](

* Add `` to the files modified.
* Fix the `__version__` in that file.
* Remove trailing space in CHANGELOG template.
* Add build command.
* Make release commit match conventional standard.
* Add release notes template.
* Publish releases to PyPI and GitHub Releases.


Continuous Integration
* ci: Rename workflow file ([`1cfed2d`](
* ci: Add conventional commits job ([`c683d7a`](
* ci: Set up semantice-release ([`9f233be`](

Add a semantic-release configuration to `pyproject.toml`, with a custom
`` template. Also add a GitHub Actions workflow.

* docs: Fix PyPI badge ([`edcc3d4`](

* fix: Include version in ([`b7b369e`](

* 1.0.1 ([`92bdc1a`](

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release.


* refactor!: Build up `args` consecutively ([`d9a5639`](

Rework the class such that:

* We initialize the `args` to a list of strings containing only the
program name.
* Each `_unparse_*` method appends a list of strings corresponding to
the action to the `args`.
* The `get_*_command_line_invocation` methods appropriately concatenate
the elements in `args` into a single string.

This sets us up for being able to handle sub-parser actions.

Note that this is a breaking change, as it removes the `get_*_args`
public methods.

* chore: Enable Pyroma ([`124fa62`](
* chore: Enable Bandit ([`80e5bbe`](
* chore: Add pre-commit hooks ([`1c2a015`](
* chore: Add pre-commit configuration ([`93ba0e7`](
* chore: Add VS Code settings ([`cc4edb2`](
* chore: Add __pycache__ to .gitignore ([`48a8acd`](

Continuous Integration
* ci: Remove documentation jobs ([`81ab9c2`](

Let ReadTheDocs test the PR instead.
* ci: Add Sphinx job to build the docs ([`671ac18`](
* ci: Install all development dependencies ([`d8e7cf6`](
* ci: Switch to CodeCov ([`5899e2f`](

Abandon Coveralls, as it doesn&39;t seem to integrate well with GitHub
* ci: Add Coveralls integration ([`7b19390`](
* ci: Don&39;t auto-fix PRs ([`cab73e9`](
* ci: Switch flake8 ([`477646b`](

Instead of running `flake8` in our GitHub Actions workflow, run it via
* ci: Add initial workflow ([`9e42fcd`](

Create initial GitHub Actions workflow to lint and test the package.

* docs: Prepare for PyPI ([`511e859`](
* docs: Fix punctuation. ([`cfc1279`](
* docs: Tweak badge ([`369b154`](
* docs: Sort badges in README ([`9db52fe`](
* docs: Add ReadTheDocs badge to README ([`df7e2db`](
* docs: Correct links ([`df1bde3`](

Correct the URL for the documentation hosting on ReadTheDocs.
* docs: Create `_static` directory ([`6d83328`](
* docs: Install the package first ([`c00c692`](

Try to `pip install .` as part of creating the environment for
* docs: Add ReadTheDocs configuration ([`32e84f1`](
* docs: Add Sphinx documentation ([`4595541`](

Create the Sphinx-based documentation for the package, including:

* Getting started guidelines
* The motivation for the package
* Example use cases
* Reference documentation for developers
* docs: Add CI badge to README ([`b14c7dd`](
* docs: Fix contributing guidelines ([`87afd52`](
* docs: Address pydocstyle issues ([`1c1d2e2`](
* docs: Update contributing guidelines ([`7f41b8d`](

Translate from GitLab to GitHub.
* docs: Add issue template ([`9e8cfc0`](
* docs: Update Markdown files ([`62c9115`](

Tweaks to link syntax, etc.
* docs: Update ([`1d69674`](
* docs: Add ([`72de284`](
* docs: Make unparse grammar consistent ([`bb55e4d`](

Make the spelling of unparse and its derivatives consistent (no
hyphenation, not quoted) in all docstrings and text printed to the

* feat: Make private method public ([`509fafb`](

Since classes/scripts using `reverse_argparse` may also need the ability
to quote a command line argument if there are spaces in it, transition
`quote_arg_if_necessary` from a private to a public method. This will
avoid code duplication outside `reverse_argparse`, and ensure classes
and scripts that are using it are quoting arguments consistently.
* feat: Handle subparsers ([`b2262d5`](

Enable the unparsing of subparser actions by recursively pushing them
onto the stack of parsers, unparsing them, and popping them back off the

Note: This also makes it such that optional arguments are unparsed
before positional ones, as this is required when dealing with

* fix: Move ([`324f3e5`](

Part of extracting this package from the repository it was initially
developed in.
* fix: Correct method call ([`27fb201`](

Should have been part of
* fix: Omit suppressed arguments ([`9484360`](

If an argument&39;s help text has been suppressed, and the value of the
argument matches the default value, that indicated that a parser author
has hidden an argument from users, and the user hasn&39;t modified it on
the command line. To match the parser author&39;s intent, such arguments
should be omitted from the effective command line invocation.

* refactor: Only support Python 3.8+ ([`8d15f4a`](

Changes that can be undone when we remove 3.8 support:
* Change certain type hints to work for 3.8
* Use version guard around `BooleanOptionalAction`

Changes that can be undone when we remove 3.9 support:
* Switch match-case statement to if block.
* refactor: Address pylint issues ([`b4555dc`](
* refactor: Address isort issues ([`fd6242d`](
* refactor: Address mypy issues ([`403e53d`](
* refactor: Display positional arguments first ([`ccf644d`](

Display positional rather than optional arguments first in the effective
command line. This is necessary to prepare for the ability to handle
* refactor: Prepare for nested parsers ([`ec3a7d8`](

Change the `parser` attribute to be a list of parsers to prepare for
processing nested parsers.

* style: Address black issues ([`f2a8622`](

* test: Adjust code coverage ([`b7aa09e`](
* test: Rework tests for calling program name ([`8c21452`](

As part of the transition from GitLab CI/CD to GitHub Actions, the
program name used when running the tests has shifted from ``
to `pytest`. This commits adjusts the tests to ignore the program name,
and only pay attention to the arguments that come after it, such that
the tests will work in both contexts.
* test: Fix import ([`65e57ba`](

Rework how the tests import the class, given the package reorganization
after pulling it out of the repository it was initially developed in.

* [] pre-commit autoupdate ([`a88839f`](

- [ 3.5.2 → 3.5.3](
- [ 23.3.0 → 23.7.0](
* [] pre-commit autoupdate ([`f0df3d3`](

- [ 3.3.0 → 3.5.2](
- [ v1.3.0 → v1.4.1](
* [] pre-commit autoupdate ([`fd58d13`](

- [ 3.2.2 → 3.3.0](
* Add more issue templates ([`234b562`](
* Add ([`7bcc39d`](
* Add ([`2b6dfc0`](
* Add ([`acbac7d`](
* Add ([`4ef978c`](
* Add ([`4a0580c`](
* Move ([`c50bcd2`](
* Add ([`1de083b`](
* Add requirements.txt ([`75aa526`](
* Add pyproject.toml ([`e833969`](
* Add .style.yapf ([`13d6301`](
* Add .gitignore ([`1c329cf`](
* Add .coveragerc ([`b43be41`](
* Unparse `BooleanOptionalAction` ([`cd82066`](
* Unparse `extend` action ([`3e9fbd3`](
* Unparse `count` action ([`224b23b`](
* Unparse `append_const` action ([`b22390a`](
* Unparse `store_const` action ([`64cc273`](
* Create `reverse_argparse` module (1873) ([`1ab310c`](

Create a module that is able to generate the effective command line
invocation of a script, given the `ArgumentParser` that was used to
parse the command line options, and the `Namespace` of those parsed
options. This makes it such that users can know exactly what was run,
including all default values, and any transformations that might&39;ve been
made to the arguments after parsing.

This commit only implements the functionality we care about at the
moment, which includes the following &34;actions&34;:
* store
* store_true
* store_false
* append
* help
* version

The remaining actions are stubbed out but not yet implemented:
* store_const
* append_const
* count
* extend
* BooleanOptionalAction

Also how sub-parsers are handled remains to be determined in the future.

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