
Latest version: v2.6.0

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- **ticloud** module:
- Added the `NewFilesFirstScan`, `NewFilesFirstAndRescan`, `FilesWithDetectionChanges`, `CvesExploitedInTheWild`, `NewExploitOrCveSamplesFoundInWildHourly`, `NewExploitAndCveSamplesFoundInWildDaily`, `NewWhitelistedFiles`, `ChangesWhitelistedFiles`, `MalwareFamilyDetection`, `ExpressionSearch`, `VerticalFeedStatistics` and `VerticalFeedSearch` classes.
- The following changes were made to the `DynamicAnalysis` class:
- Added `windows11` and `linux` to available Dynamic Analysis platforms.
- Added the `detonate_url` method.
- The `get_dynamic_analysis_results` method now supports fetching the URL dynamic analysis results using the URL string or its SHA-1 hash as a parameter.

- Added TitaniumCloud API codes to the README for better correspondence and orientation.
- Error handling: Custom error classes now also carry the original response object. Users can now reach the original status code, error message and all other response properties using the caught error's `response_object` property.




- **ticloud** module:
- Added the `NewMalwarePlatformFiltered` class.





- **a1000** module:
- Added paging parameters to the Network Threat Intelligence methods: `network_ip_to_domain`, `network_urls_from_ip` and `network_files_from_ip`
- Added auto paging versions of the same methods: `network_ip_to_domain_aggregated`, `network_urls_from_ip_aggregated` and `network_files_from_ip_aggregated`





- **ticloud** module:
- Added the `FileAnalysisNonMalicious` and `DataChangeSubscription` classes.
- The `FileUpload` class methods now also use `subscribe`, `archive_type` and `archive_passoword` parameters.





- **ticloud** module:
- Deprecated the `ranalyze_samples` method of the `ReanalyzeFile` class. **This method will be removed** from the SDK in the future **September 2023.** release. A new method called `reanalyze_samples` of the same `ReanalyzeFile` class should be used instead.


- **ticloud** module:
- Added the `FileReputationUserOverride`, `DomainThreatIntelligence` and `IPThreatIntelligence` classes.
- Included an adjustable `results_per_page` parameter into several methods that perform paging automatically.
- The `detonate_sample` method of the `DynamicAnalysis` class now also accepts `"macos11"` as the `platform` parameter.
- The `detonate_sample` method of the `DynamicAnalysis` class now accepts the `internet_simulation` parameter.
- **a1000** module:
- All sample submission methods now also accept `"macos_11"` as the `rl_cloud_sandbox_platform` parameter.
- **tiscale** module:
- Added the `list_processing_tasks`, `get_processing_task_info`, `delete_processing_task`, `delete_multiple_tasks` and `get_yara_id` methods.
- Added support for the `custom_token`, `user_data` and `custom_data` parameters in existing sample upload methods.

- **a1000** module:
- Leaving the `fields` parameter in the `get_titanium_core_report_v2` method as None now results in requesting all the available fields instead of throwing an exception.




- Added a new module for using the **ReversingLabs Cloud Deep Scan** service called **clouddeepscan**.
- **clouddeepscan** module:
- Class `CloudDeepScan` methods: `upload_sample`, `fetch_submission`, `fetch_submission_history`, `download_report`

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