First official 1.x release!
- Added proportional features to wikibase.
- Basic `revision_oriented` features implemented and tested.
- Added `GradientBoosting` scorer model
- Added Polish language support and tests.
- Added Arabic language support.
- Added `DependentSet` to dependencies.
- Added documentation for languages.
- Updated IPython notebooks.
- Fixed documentation around test statistics and base `revision_oriented` features.
- Included "sup" to informals for English features.
- Handled `CaughtDependencyError` error.
- Added `ref_tags` to `wikitext.revision`.
- Bumped pywikibase requirement to 0.0.4
- Updated documentation for features.
- Applied new API Extractor to utilities.
- Improved test coverage
- Minor generalization to hebrew's test cases for older dictionaries.
- Fixed typo in wikibase tests. alan (touring --> turing)
- Refactored entire feature structure.
- Added pywikibase to requirements.
- Moved to tokenized.diff.
- --> User.text
- Moved basic regex operations.
- Added token frequencies to datasources/meta.
- Persian badwords explained.
- Added `revision.diff` to datasources.
- `revision_oriented` uses `DependentSet` now.
- Improved Documentation.
- Fixed a minor bug in accuracy calculation when using scaling or centering in a scorer model.
- Removed backtracking requirements from english badwords and informals. Increased performance X3
- Removed old backwards compatible ...Model classes from `scorer_models`