- Latest version of _Ritmyndir_ added
- '_í takti við_' removed as an error, no basis in The Standards can be found
- Capitalized words are no longer marked as errors unless the suggested value is also capitalized
- Certain common words are now excluded from the taboo vocabulary, such as '_nýbúinn_' (very common with another meaning) and '_hommi_' (should not be marked as a taboo word)
- Capitalized adjectives are still marked as an error, but only with the option `suppress_suggestions` set to `False`. These are in many cases a part of named entities (_Danska ríkisútvarpið_, _Íslensk erfðagreining_), but are also common as errors.
- Spans for '_af/að_' errors limited to the word that is changed. The same goes for the suggest value.