
Latest version: v1.1.0

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* Custom deconvolution function is now called with RFStream and RFTrace
objects and should return a RFStream object (see 17)
* toeplitz and tqdm are now soft dependencies and must be explicitely installed


* remove python2 support, use previous version of rf if you need it
* catch error from rfstats call in iter_event_data and issue a warning (see 7)
* also add event_id to stats object (will not be written to SAC and Q format, see 10)
* add dpi and figsize option where applicable (see 13, 14)
* Gauss parameter of the Gaussian low pass filter in the frequency
deconvolution is now directly related to the cut-off frequency (see 15)
* switch from pad to nfft parameter for specifying the number of FFT samples
in deconvf
* add solve_toeplitz parameter to deconvt to specify solver for the
real symmetric Toeplitz system, also add a fall-back to Scipy
if the toeplitz package is not installed (see 16)
* fix bug in IterMultipleComponents (see 9)
* fix error when using custom deconvolution function with Stream.rf


* add official support for python 3.7 and 3.8


* fix blocking of KeyBoardInterrupt (see 6)


* fix wrong polarization in R and T components (see 4)


* less forced parameters for custom deconvolution function

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