- Due to Recorded Future API branding conventions, we are changing the names of our two customer facing APIs.
- The *ApiClient* will is now named *RawApiClient* and the *ApiV2Client* is now the *ConnectApiClient*.
- Imports of *ApiClient* and *ApiV2Client* will continue to work, but are deprecated.
- The files *apiv1client.py* and *apiv2client.py* have been renamed to *rawapiclient.py* and *connectapiclient.py* respectively.
- *QueryResponse* classes in *query.py* with ApiV2* names have been renamed, but will continue to work due to aliasing. These are *ApiV2Response* => *ConnectApiResponse*, *ApiV2FileResponse* => *ConnectApiResponse*, and *ApiV2CsvFileResponse* => *ConnectApiCsvFileResponse*.
- Test files have been renamed.
- Added functions to get demo events from the Connect API.