
Latest version: v2.1.3

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Update example in README.rst



- Python 3 support
- Fix certum_certificate.crt
- Fix style
- Fix bug(s) with handling requests library and errors from requests
- Improved API by using exceptions instead of returning error codes
- Switched to cryptography instead of M2Crypto



- Fork rfc3161



- use dateutil to parse genTime
- fix bad instantiation of UTF8String in PKIFreeText
- use tox and py.test

Creating a release

:synopsis: Creating a rfc3161ng release

How to make a new release

Run tests::

$ tox -r

Change version numbers in `setup.py` and `rfc3161ng/__init__.py`::

$ vi setup.py
$ vi rfc3161ng/__init__.py
$ git commit -m 'v2.0.0' setup.py rfc3161ng/__init__.py

Tag it:

$ git tag 2.0.0

Remove old build directory (if exists)::

$ rm -r build dist

Prepare the release tarball::

$ python ./setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

Upload release to pypi::

$ twine upload -s dist/*

Bumb version number to new in-development pre version::

$ vi setup.py
$ vi rfc3161ng/__init__.py
$ git commit -m 'bumped version number' setup.py rfc3161ng/__init__.py

Push changes back to github::

$ git push --tags
$ git push

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