
Latest version: v1.2.0

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This is a maintenance release for version 1.0.
Update urgency: Medium

* New Connectors:
* [Redis connector](https://github.com/RedisGears/rgsync/blob/master/rgsync/Connectors/redis_connector.py) - Sync hashes to another Redis database (big thank to socialratnesh for contributing this connector)
* [MSSQL connector](https://github.com/RedisGears/rgsync/blob/master/rgsync/Connectors/sql_connectors.py#L61) - Sync hashes to MS SQL database (big thank to viragtripathi for contributing this connector)


This is a maintenance release for version 1.0.
Update urgency: Medium

* Features:
* 25 - Added a transformation step to transform the data into a *hash* when another data structure is followed to write behind (like zset, lists, ..)


This is the 1.0 GA version of *rgsync*, a library that contains several database synchronisation recipes for Redis that can will register functions in [RedisGears](redisgears.io).
Supported recipes currently are
- Write-Behind
- Write-Through

Please read [the readme of the 1.0 branch](https://github.com/RedisGears/rgsync/blob/1.0/README.md) for more information.

Enhancements (compared to last release):
* 23 - Connection arguments can be callbacks which will be called on every reconnect.

Read from RedisGears configuration using configGet (https://oss.redislabs.com/redisgears/master/runtime.html#configget) function

def User():
return configGet('MySqlUser')

def Password():
return configGet('MySqlPassword')

def DB():
return configGet('MySqlDB')

connection = MySqlConnection(User, Password, DB)

This release is compatible with RedisGears v1.0.0 and above.


* Support SQLite target

This release compatible with RedisGears 1.0-RC1 and above.


This is a maintenance release for version 0.1.
Update urgency: Medium

* 13 - Snowflake connector wasn't working properly.

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