
Latest version: v0.5.4

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- v0.5.3: 0.5.1 with:
-- tests that pass
-- Sage removed
-- Test fixes where just relating to rounding errors.

- dggs.py:
-- RG, 2020-09-08: Issue 6 Added optional region="none" arg to rhealpix projection calls, and
forced region to cell.region() in cell.vertex() and cell.boundary()
-- RG, 2020-07-31: Issue 5 Moved plot_cells to GRS2013 to remove sage dependence
-- Robert Gibb (RG), 2020-07-13: Issue 1 Multiple tests fail due to rounding errors

- ellipsoids.py:
-- Robert Gibb (RG), 2020-07-13: Issue 1 Multiple tests fail due to rounding errors

- pj_healpix.py:
-- RG, 2020-09-08: Issue 6 In in_healpix_image added +-eps to the extreme corner vertices
added calling function abbrev to error statements
-- RG, 2020-07-31: Issue 5 Moved healpix_diagram to GRS2013 to remove sage dependence
-- Robert Gibb (RG), 2020-07-13: Issue 1 Multiple tests fail due to rounding errors

- pj_rhealpix.py:
-- RG, 2020-09-08: Issue 6 Added optional region="none" arg to all projection calls, and
used it to enforce region behaviour in calls to combine_triangles
added calling function abbrev to error statements
-- RG, 2020-07-31: Issue 5 Moved rhealpix_diagram to GRS2013 to remove sage dependence
-- Robert Gibb (RG), 2020-07-13: Issue 1 Multiple tests fail due to rounding errors

- projection_wrapper.py:
-- RG, 2020-09-08: Issue 6 Added optional region="none" arg to all projection calls
-- Robert Gibb (RG), 2020-07-13: Issue 1 Multiple tests fail due to rounding errors

- utils.py:
-- Robert Gibb (RG), 2020-07-13: Issue 1 Multiple tests fail due to rounding errors


- v0.5.1, 2013-07-29: Port to Python 3.7
- Rounded floats in doctests.


- v0.5, 2013-07-26: Port to Python 3.3.

- dggs.py:
-- AR, 2013-03-14: Fixed bug in nw_vertex().
-- AR, 2013-01-16: Changed the string keyword 'surface' to a boolean keyword 'plane'.
-- AR, 2013-01-14: Added intersects_meridian(), cell_latitudes(), cells_from_meridian(), cells_from_parallel(), cells_from_region().
-- AR, 2013-01-01: Added ellipsoidal functionality to neighbor() and neighbors().
-- AR, 2012-12-19: Tested all the methods and added examples.
-- AR, 2012-12-10: Corrected centroid() and moved some methods from graphics.py to here.

- pj_healpix.py:
-- AR, 2013-03-05: In in_healpix_image() increased eps to 1e-10 to decrease out-of-bounds errors i was getting when drawing figures.

Older releases
For releases 0.3, 0.4 & 0.5, see the ``_old`` folder within the `0.5.1 release <https://github.com/manaakiwhenua/rhealpixdggs-py/tree/0.5.1/_old>`_ on GitHub



Has known vulnerabilities

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