
Latest version: v1.3

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* Add `gcs.ls` function


* Fix `tag` kwarg in `get_cluster`


* Make the gsutil API consistent, so that we have `cp`, `sync` and `rm`, each of which
accept the same args and kwargs (:issue:`69`)
* Swap ``bumpversion`` for ``setuptools_scm`` to handle versioning (:issue:`78`)
* Cast coordinates to dict before gathering in ``rhg_compute_tools.xarray.dataarrays_from_delayed`` and ``rhg_compute_tools.xarray.datasets_from_delayed``. This avoids a mysterious memory explosion on the local machine. Also add ``name`` in the metadata used by those functions so that the name of each dataarray or Variable is preserved. (:issue:`83`)
* Use ``dask-gateway`` when available when creating a cluster in ``rhg_compute_tools.kubernetes``. Add some tests using a local gateway cluster. TODO: More tests.
* Add ``tag`` kwarg to ``rhg_compute_tools.kuberentes.get_cluster`` function (PR 87)


* ?


* Add remote scheduler deployment (part of dask_kubernetes 0.10)
* Remove extraneous `GCSFUSE_TOKENS` env var no longer used in new worker images
* Set library thread limits based on how many cpus are available for a single dask thread
* Change formatting of the extra `env_items` passed to `get_cluster` to be a list rather than a list of dict-like name/value pairs



* Add CLI tools (:issue:`37`). See ``rctools gcs repdirstruc --help`` to start
* Add new function ``rhg_compute_tools.gcs.replicate_directory_structure_on_gcs`` to copy directory trees into GCS. Users can authenticate with cred_file or with default google credentials (:issue:`51`)
* Fixes to docstrings and metadata (:issue:`43`) (:issue:`45`)
* Add new function ``rhg_compute_tools.gcs.rm`` to remove files/directories on GCS using the ``google.cloud.storage`` API
* Store one additional environment variable when passing ``cred_path`` to ``rhg_compute_tools.kubernetes.get_cluster`` so that the ``google.cloud.storage`` API will be authenticated in addition to ``gsutil``

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