
Latest version: v8.9.0

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diff: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/compare/8.6.1...8.9.0

See changes in 8.9.0-beta.


- (js) AnnotationBase objects would be undefined due to new cast to Text in the bindings but no Text class exposed to emscripten


diff: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/compare/8.6.1...8.9.0-beta

- (py, js) CachedTextureCoordinates class
- (py, js) Mesh.SetCachedTextureCoordinates and Mesh.GetCachedTextureCoordinates
- (py, js) TextureMapping.HasId and TextureMapping.Id
- (py, js) Added many Annotation classes and enums [627](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/pull/627) jesterKing
- (all) A series of automated tests have been added and are run on all ci builds

- Updated OpenNURBS to v8.9 diff: https://github.com/mcneel/opennurbs/compare/v8.6.24101.05001...update-1718616159-8.9
- (py, js) Several methods that take in arrays/lists of points have been updated to either be overloaded and take `Point3dList` and `std::vector<T>` (for py) or `emscripten::val` and the type is checked in cpp (for js). This means the SDK is not broken and users can pass in language specific lists / arrays of points. [620](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/620), [#616](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/616)
- (py) x86_64 Linux builds are now build using the manylinux_2_28_x86_64 docker image

- (py, js) Polyline.CreateFromPoints now works [616](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/616)
- (js) None of the PointCloud.AddRange* methods were working in js. This is fixed. [620](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/620)
- (py, js) Polyline.GetSegments() always returned an extra NULL at the end of the segment array. [623](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/623)
- (py) Universal builds for native library on macos. (617)[https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/pull/617] jesterKing

- (py, dotnet) GitHub has deprecated building on macos-11 so from this point forward we will not build python wheels for macos-11. macos-14 will be used to build the dotnet library for macos.
- (dotnet) GitHub deprecated actions that run on node.js < 20 which means that we cannot build on Amazon Linux 2 in with ci workflow. For now the ci linux build uses ubuntu-latest.


diff: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/compare/8.6.0...8.6.1

- (py) macos 14 arm64 python wheels

- (js) Regenerated js files that load wasm as those checked into src were outdated.


diff: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/compare/8.4.0...8.6.0


diff: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/compare/8.4.0...8.6.0-beta1

- (py, js) CommonObject.IsValidWithLog that returns a tuple {bool valid, string log} [598](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/598)
- (dotnet, py, js) Material.RenderMaterialInstanceId [596](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/596)
- (py, js) InstanceDefinitionTable.Add [436](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/436) (see Changed below for consequential changes related to this)
- (py, js) File3dmObjectTable.AddInstanceObject()
- (py, js) EmbeddedFile.SetFilename.
- (js) EmbeddedFile.WasmFromByteArray() to add embedded from a js Uint8Array. [523](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/523)
- (py) EmbeddedFile.Read()

- (js) js docs now use typedoc for generating documentation from `src/js/rhino3dm.d.ts` [594](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/594)
- (js, py) InstanceDefinitionTable.Add(idef) is now InstanceDefinitionTable.AddInstanceDefinition(idef). This aligns dotnet, js, and py InstanceDefinitionTable.Add method args.
- (py, js) EmbeddedFile.FileName is no longer read only and is Filename for py and fileName for js.

- (py, js) File3dmObjectTable.AddSurface was incorrectly calling File3dmObjectTable.AddSphere


diff: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/compare/8.4.0...8.6.0-beta

- (py, js) Added Annotation.PlainTextWithFields

- (dotnet, py, js) Annotation.PlainText, PlanTextWithFields, and RichText was returning empty strings, or gibberish across all languages and platforms. [585](https://github.com/mcneel/rhino3dm/issues/585)

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