
Latest version: v1.1.1

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**Update 08/18/14:** v1.1.1 released fix for setup file issues.

This is the second release of the Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Math Conference Scheduling Software (RHUMC). It is written in Python using the Django web framework and designed to serve as free and lightweight schedule management software for academic conferences and the likes. It was specifically designed for [Rose-Hulman](http://www.rose-hulman.edu)'s [Undergraduate Math Conference](http://www.rose-hulman.edu/class/ma/web/mathconf/), but it should suitable for any sort of conference gathering.

No longer supports Django version 1.4.x. **Requires 1.5+.**


- "Logged out" page header has double div - https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/issues/55

[All issues](https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/issues)
[All bugs](https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/labels/bug)

More detailed information about installing, setting up, and using the software is located on the [wiki](https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/wiki).


This program is licensed under version two of the GNU General Public License. The full license can be found here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt.


Here is the first (hopefully only) release candidate for upcoming version 1.1 of the RHUMC software. This is the final list of features for 1.1, and the only remaining work is a final once-over test and to update the user guide.

A breakdown of the included changes new to rc.1:

- Admin Apps
- Data Dumper
- Ability to specific what fields to output and in what order
- LaTeX Generator
- Can now specific output file name
- Can now attempt to convert unicode to its ascii counterpart (may butcher words)
- ~~Can now auto-escape LaTeX characters~~ Pushed to later minor release
- Management System
- Ability to filter on past Conferences
- New field/filter on Attendee for being assigned to a session
- "Old" data (from past Conferences) can no longer be modified
- This includes Attendees, Conferences, Days, Sessions, Special Sessions, and Tracks
- Misc.
- Included `setup.py` file for creating `settings.py` and `wsgi.py` files
- A little code cleanup
- Minor bugfixes


Here is the second beta for upcoming version 1.1 of the RHUMC software.

This release is a little lighter than beta.1 because we plan on testing this version with real world data.

A breakdown of the included changes new to beta.2:

- Admin Apps
- Data Dumper
- New admin app
- Dumps all Attendee data from a given Conference into a .csv file
- Sophomorically funny name
- LaTeX Generator
- Saving as zip no longer keeps the temp directory structure
- Registration
- Requires Housing radio button now set to "No" by default so it isn't seen as omitted by user


Here is the first beta for upcoming version 1.1 of the RHUMC software.

A breakdown of the included changes in this beta:

- General
- No longer supports Django 1.4.x: 1.5+ required
- Admin Portal
- Removed ugly "Back to Portal" link
- Navigation bar is now uniform across all admin apps and links back to portal
- Admin Apps
- Batch Updater
- Batch name updater drop down is now sorted alphabetically
- LaTeX Generator
- Now gives option to download `.tex`, `.pdf`, or a `.zip` of both if `pdflatex` is present on host system
- Management System
- Add quick toggle action for activating/deactivating Contactees
- Concactees admin now shows active state in list view
- Day admin now shows Conference in list view
- Special Session admin now shows Day, Room, and Speaker in list view
- Time Slot admin now shows Conference in list view
- Track admin now shows Room and Conference in list view
- Misc.
- Emails to Contactees on registration now has the registree's email in the Reply-To field.



- requires_housing radio button can be omitted - https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/issues/29

[All issues](https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/issues)
[All bugs](https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/issues?labels=bug&page=1&state=open)

More detailed information about installing, setting up, and using the software is located in the user guide attached and on the [wiki](https://github.com/crawfonw/RHUMC/wiki/User-Guide).


This program is licensed under version two of the GNU General Public License. The full license can be found here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt.

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