
Latest version: v1.2.15

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add "--dependence_test" option for measuring the dependence of densities between frame 1 and frame 2 of each ORF. This test would help determine whether the adjustment should be performed on the combined p-values.


- Add "--stouffer_adj" option for adjusting cominbed p-values to account for the dependence between two tests (i.e. F0 vs F1 and F0 vs F2)
- Add "--pval_adj" option to correct p-values for multiple testing
- Report alternative annotations of each ORF based on the transcripts other than the longest one (some ORFs in various transcript isoforms but from same gene might be annotated as different types)


- Fixed a small bug caused by an update of h5py; Added a new parameter "--plot-annotated-orf".


- Several small updates.


- Add "-i" option to metaplots command for multiple input files
- Supporting for non-stranded library sequencing
- Update the document


- Small bug fixed in metaplots.
- Added more test function.
- Change the default backend of matplotlib.

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