
Latest version: v1.2.7

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- ✨ Drop minimum Python version from 3.9 to 3.7
- 🐛 Handle logging error with relative paths ([26](

**Full Changelog**:


- ✨ Log a warning if duplicate image paths are found ([20](
- 🐛 Fix `UnboundLocalError` if not cleaning an image path ([24](

**Full Changelog**:


Minor release to add new feature: only commit new / deleted images that rich-codex itself is responsible for, in the GitHub Action.

Should prevent accidentally committing working files generated whilst running example commands.


Sweeping up some small but nasty bugs that only revealed themselves after rich-codex was released into the wild..

- 🐛 Don't use cache in action `actions/setup-python` step
- 🐛 Bump minimum Python version to 3.9 (may try to drop this in the future) ([19](
- 🐳 Build + tag versioned labels of the Docker image on release
- 📖 Improvements to docs


The first (of many) patch release: add in a missing `pyyaml` dependency to the requirements.


First release of rich-codex.

I've been quietly developing and testing this over the past few months and am now happy to release with what I hope is a fairly complete set of features. If you spot any dodgy behaviour or have any suggestions for improvements, please open an issue 🙌🏻

Many thanks to [thijsmie]( for beta-testing / contributions and [willmcgugan]( for support and encouragement 🎉

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